is rowan really better tha rutgers?

<p>i got in both
i always though rutgers is the better one
but people are saying i should go to rowan instead
is that true?</p>

<p>No. No. No. Unless you like a small school, in the middle of no where, that isn't a major research university with some world class programs, Division I sports, and thirty miles from New York City. Then, maybe, but probably not.</p>

<p>thanks for answering my question
and also i got waitlisted on rutgers college
anybody know i have any chance of getting in?
and the two campus i'm thinking about besides rutgers college is livingston and douglass, which one is the better one?</p>


<p>Since you were accepted at Douglass I take it you're a female. Would going to what amounts to a female lac within a larger University appeal to you? If so go for Douglass. But keep in mind that Rutgers is planning a major reorganization of its colleges and Douglass may go by the boards. </p>

<p>As for Rowan, would the smaller enviornment appeal to you?</p>

<p>personally, i think livingston is awful. you're better off at douglass. i got into rutgers, livingston, and douglass. what were your stats?</p>