Is self-studying ap affects a rigor of my curriculum?

<p>I'm self studying some subjects becuause of lack of ap classes in my school.
If i study and get a good exam grades on them, is it going to look good as taking class with a good exam grade?</p>

<p>bump, I’m also curious</p>

<p>If you self study and do well, it shows a great deal of motivation.</p>

<p>Yeah, its actually A LOT more impressive. I mean, the whole point of the AP classes are so you can earn credit by taking-and acing-the AP Exams. So if you can skip the long, tedious lectures and head straight to the examination room, then by all means go for it.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m doing it too. You don’t get the HS credit, but you get everything else. And it looks really impressive, especially if you manage a 5! </p>

<p>Colleges like to see motivation and they want to see students who they feel will be able to handle college course and study-loads. Acing an AP exam through self-study is a really good way to show the admissions deans that you’re a dedicated and erudite student.</p>