Is something wrong with my Calc class?

<p>I signed up for Math 125 on MTWR from 11-11:50am with 4 exam dates on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:50pm with professor Tan-Yu Lee. There is one other calc class at the same time, but the spots were full when I signed up. I noticed that the class I signed up for was one of the few sessions with a lot of seats open. Is there something about this session that would be undesirable? (the time? the professor?) I don’t like the idea of having my exams in the evening compared to during the normal class time, but does anyone have experience with classes like this? It might be nice to be able to review before an exam in class that day, but are the later exam times recommended? Also, I know my sister had a bad experience with a math professor at her school which made it harder for her in the class, so I want to make sure there isn’t a problem I could avoid (especially since math isn’t my favorite subject.) Thank you so much for any input! :)</p>

<p>I don’t think 3 open seats are a lot! That being said, I see there are 2 opens slots in Moen’s section. If you could pick up one of those slots, I’d recommend switching. Moen is great.</p>

<p>I hadn’t checked after this past bama bound session. There were something near 10 seats open earlier in the summer when there were fewer seats available, so I guess it’s a good sign that more people are signing up for it! The other times conflict with my other classes that have fewer session times available, so I don’t think I can switch to Moen’s. Do you know anything about professor Lee? :)</p>

<p>All the calc classes have exam times reserved in the evenings (at least they used to unless that has changed). Some professors use those times, others don’t. My S had evening exam times included when he registered for both calc I and calc II, but neither prof used the times and he took his exams during his class.</p>

<p>You won’t really know until you get a syllabus (or you can try finding a past syllabus from that prof) if he is going to use the evening exam times or not.</p>

<p>(S didn’t have Lee though, so I can’t answer that)</p>

<p>D had Lee for Calc III. He used the evening exam times. He was flexible with her the week of Thanksgiving so she could leave on Tuesday night (he let her take a test early rather than that Tues night). </p>

<p>D was fine with Lee from a teaching perspective. However, he did embarrass her in front of the entire class about something that was completely unrelated to the subject or the class. He must have realized it because he apologized to her a couple of days later, so he gets props for that.</p>

<p>My oldest son had him for calculus 3 and really liked him. He said he tells a lot of jokes and gives plenty of chances for partial/extra credit. I think my freshman son is signed up for the 11:00 class also. He made sure to get Lee because oldest son recommended him.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the feedback! It’s so good to know your son had a good experience with him. And the fact that he apologized after embarrassing a student shows a lot about his character, so that’s encouraging! I feel a lot better about things no matter how it turns out now. :)</p>

<p>Son had Dr Lee for Cal 3 first semester and then signed up and took him again for Diff Eq 2nd semester since he liked him so much…Dr Lee is always willing to help, gives extra credit for class attendance and truly cares about his students…as far as the evening time slot…for Cal 3 the evening time was only used for exam taking days…not sure how he will use it for MATH 125 but I would highly recommend sticking with Dr Lee :)</p>

<p>Oh and he would also send the students encouraging, motivational emails…just seems like a nice guy…</p>

<p>I can hit “ditto” on CrimsonMomNC’s post. My S also had Lee for Calc III and Diff EQ, same schedule. Same comments. You can search for additional ratings on either ULoop or Ratemyprofessor. As with all math, take the subject matter seriously, attend every class, pay attention, do the homework, get help when you need it…and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Thanks for your replies! I saw on rate my professor that many other students enjoyed his class as well and agreed that if you work hard, he’ll be there to help. I’ll definitely make a point to attend every class, since that seems to be especially important in his classes!</p>

<p>^^FLH, going to class is the #1 most important strategy for ALL your classes (of course, you already know this)</p>

<p>I’ve gotten the whole “going to class” speech from my parents quite a few times, so I will definitely make it a high priority on my list for next year meremom! Haha. If I’m not mistaken, my dad and I were in line in front of you and your daughter on the plane to Bama Bound, so I’ve been looking out for your username! It’s great to see you on CC after meeting you guys in person! :)</p>

<p>I knew you were a bright young lady with brilliant, insightful parents! (Wink)</p>

<p>Yes, guilty as charged. DD and I enjoyed meeting you and your dad also. </p>

<p>Will we be seeing you in Libertyville in 2 weeks?</p>

<p>My family and I are going out of town, and we’re getting back the day of the party. We’re trying to work out a way to go, since our flight is early in the morning. It sounds like such a great way to meet everyone before we have to head off to school together!</p>

<p>DD and I will keep our fingers crossed and hope to see you and your family there! In the meantime, have a great trip!</p>

<p>FLH, do come! We are so worth it! :slight_smile: Even if you come a little later, I expect people to still be there. I know some are coming at 4 because they have things to do afterwards and some will come a little later because they have things to do before. I will message you the address.</p>

<p>That’s great to know we won’t be the only fashionably late people! It would be so amazing to catch up with all of you and put a face to the names I’ve been seeing on here. I’ll pray for clear weather and no flight delays!</p>