Is taking an honors class worth it?

<p>I plan on getting a degree in political science since I really want to enhance my chances and knowledge of legal areas before law school. While looking into political science I came across a class called Political Science honors. I know that in high school, Advanced placement classes are not that much different than the regular classes. The only difference I noticed was more respect from teachers and teachers actually knowledging that you understand topics more further than others. What more do honors classes entail? How much extra work does an average honors class entail rather than a regular class. Since I am going to a junior college for 2 years then transfer, I want the honors classes to help me to get into UCLA or CAL.</p>

<p>Advanced Placement classes are a world of a difference from regular classes. Much more work is involved, so therefore more time is spent doing homework, projects, and studying. You also walk away with a lot more knowledge.</p>

<p>At my school, regular, honors and AP classes are offered. Honors classes are below AP classes, but offer a world more than a regular class would. There is more work, studying, etc. Many teachers at my school treat their honors classes much like AP courses, so they expect a lot more out of you and don't just let you slide by.</p>

<p>Have you taken any honors courses before? If so, your answer to the extra work is right there. It really depends on the teacher and what they expect.</p>

<p>I've never taken honors classes. I've taken Advanced Placement classes. I really don't notice a difference. Maybe just a little more work, but that is it. I've Teacher Aided for a regular class and their work was almost just like ours. Maybe I just miss the difference XD
How are honors classes in college? I know just taking the regular courses are difficult. How much more difficult would the honors classes be in college?</p>