<p>Would taking Econ 1 or Math 31A, for instance, be easier in the summer? I would think so just because one could just be focusing on just that particular class and most likely you wouldn't be competing with as many other people.</p>
<p>Well, you have to keep in mind that the schedule is much more compacted vs a regular quarter too.</p>
<p>I took 3 classes over the summer and thought it was. The professors are a bit lazier and go less heavily on the workload.</p>
<p>RageKage, was that in one session or spread out?</p>
<p>I’ve heard the same regarding Math 132.</p>
<p>More lax on grading, fewer assignments, sometimes no midterm at all and just more weight on the final exam.</p>
<p>Math 31A should cover around 2 sections per lecture and fair amount of homework.</p>
I took one class Session A and 2 classes session C. Both were incredibly lightweight and way chill.</p>
<p>Session A:
Music History 5 (History of Rock n Roll)
Had to write 2 papers for it, 5 pages in length (double spaced). 1 standard final exam.</p>
<p>Session B:
History 13C (20th Century America or some ****)
Class required reading of 5 books… several novels, one history of Vietnam. They weren’t long or hard to read and it was quite easy to get them done (I didn’t even read 1 or 2 though).
There was an optional midterm (yeah, optional) and a final for this class, that’s it. If you didn’t take the midterm, your grade was 100% final. Final consisted of 2 short written essays.
Political Science 20 (World Politics)
Reading from the textbook. Did most but not all of it. Professor took attendance randomly to make sure people went to class. Two standard essays in this class (3-5 pages single space), that’s all.</p>
<p>Got B+s in all 3 of them.</p>
What’s your major?</p>
<p>Computer Science. Eliminated about half my GEs that summer :D</p>