is tap a better option than blinn team?

<p>i'm not sure if this is right or not, but the way i understand it is that under tap, you:
-guaranteed transfer admissions after 1 year (2 years for blinn team)
-you get in whatever major you want </p>

<p>"Under TAP, a student who meets all requirements as dictated by the agreement between Texas A&M and the participating community college (please see the response to question 1 for the requirements) is guaranteed admission to Texas A&M into the major that corresponds to the degree plan that was selected at their community college."
Transfer</a> Articulation Program (TAP)</p>

<p>and they pretty much offer most degree plans (including engineering etc) in tap</p>

<p>am i understanding it right? and if i am, would tap be better than blinn? thanks</p>


<p>well, as a blinn teamer, you get to “be an aggie” from the start. not so with the reguiar blinn option. most kids with only the blinn option would kill for a blinn team spot.</p>

<p>staying home and doing tap would certainly be cheaper (but my daughter and i would likely kill each other during that year).</p>