Is TCU a friendly place?

I know I have posted a lot of questions and I’m sorry if that annoys anyone. I just want to make sure I make the right decision. Even though TCU probably has a big school feel, is it a friendly and accepting place? Is it still somewhat like a community? Thank you :slight_smile:

I don’t mean to be rude or annoying, but I would really appreciate an answer.

That’s a tough question to answer because it really depends upon your interests and if you are asking if people in general are nice of if a person is readily welcomed into different groups. I have a son who graduated two years ago and a D who is currently a freshman so I have some limited perspective of the experiences of both genders. Might be helpful to state if you are male or female and what you might be considering getting involved in as a starting point to a helpful answer or your question is just too broad.

Oh I’m sorry!

I’m female, and I’m also Jewish. I plan to major in nursing and plan on being involved with Jewish life in Fort Worth, and outdoor/fitness activities.

Personality wise I am extremely friendly, talkative, and very outgoing.

Are people generally friendly and inclusive in groups?

Now, mind you, I am a parent so I may not be the best or even a good judge…If you are accepted to Nursing, you will have a very ready and willing community of students who are supportive and work together. I imagine they socialize too. Not sure about the Jewish community since my kids are Christian and I bet that will also offer a great group to socialize and with whom to interact. For females who aren’t in a really focused major – nursing or dance are what I mean as focused – the whole social, fitting in is tough since there are so many more females then males (creates weird competition! :(), Greek life is thrown in there which is another competition and there really is a bit of a TX bias (we are from CA and my son didn’t feel this much but my daughter did when going through rush). Even though people don’t mention this often (it’s a bit of a “dirty word” at TCU), TCU is a party school. If you like to party, it’s great; if you don’t, it can be a bit awkward (my son partied and loved it, my daughter, not so much) to find things to do beyond class. HERE’s what you have going for you…nursing is a great program with a group that really bonds. Being involved in a faith community also really helps. It’s the unattached that can struggle a bit to find their place. Mine is one perspective…take it with a very large “grain of salt”.

Thank you!

@terriw Did your daughter like TCU?

She is currently a Freshman and likes it and doesn’t LOVE it. Has made some nice friends. Likes her classes – pre business and Honors College. Struggles with the partying (mind you, she isn’t anti-partying, just is taken aback by the amount of it). She is focused and mature and seems to have trouble with what she describes as the "fake"ness of some of her peer group. Not sure it’s any different than any other affluent private college, however. She is also very particular and if you are more laid back some of it probably wouldn’t bother you. PM me if you’d like more info.