Is TCU too close?

<p>Hi everyone!
Since I was a kid, I've always wanted to go TCU, and that's looking like a very real possibility. And, last year, I took a tour of the school and I LOVED it! However, I do have one problem- I am from the North-Dallas Suburbs, and I'm frightened that TCU, only being about 50 miles away, will be too close to home. I've always wanted to get the whole "going away to college" feel, but I don't know if i could get that going somewhere this close! I also really want to move out of DFW to pursue a career (I want to be an elementary school teacher), maybe somewhere like Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Portland, or San Francisco.
So, here are my questions-
1. Is 50 miles TOO close to get the "Breaking-off" experience?
2. Can any students from the North-Dallas suburbs tell me their experiences with TCU, and home?
3. Am I worrying TOO much about location as a factor?
4. What is the TCU alumni network like- would I be able to use it in finding a job in those cities?
5. What is TCU's reputation outside of Dallas/ Fort Worth?
6. This question is kind of unrelated, but important nonetheless- How friendly is TCU (and FW) towards the LGBT community (I'm a Gay Male)?</p>

<p>I want to thank everyone in advance for their help :) !!! I know that those are a lot of questions, but I really appreciate all the help!!</p>

<p>I live in Keller, about 40 minutes away, and also am considering going to TCU. I think you can make TCU as far as you want it to be. Whether you are 50 miles from home or 500 miles from home, you still have to get in a car and go home so what is the difference how far you have to drive. The only thing that you might worry about would be if your parents will come visit a lot more or drop in unexpectedly. I have friends from my school who go to TCU and they love it. They say it’s the normal college experience away from parents. The TCU alumni network is very strong in the DFW area but I do not think it is many other places. As a teacher, you should not have a problem landing a job though. You would have reason for concern if you were going into business/engineering and wanted to get away. </p>