Is Tech becoming too large

<p>Virginia Tech is my top choices for college. However talking with people has led me to believe that Tech is falling out of grace. People once said that Tech was a great engineering school (and it still is), but now all people talk about is the football team. Is Tech becoming too large and in doing so not keeping up with expectations? I know Tech is a large school and that’s what I’m looking for. I want lots of clubs and lots of kids in my classes but I also want a school that will get me a job. I live in a very affluent neighborhood in Richmond (River Gate) and I’ve been told that to get a high paying job ill have to work very hard. I’m looking for juniors and seniors (or if you know someone) to tell me what kinds of jobs they have been offered and tell me of their experiences at Pamplin College of Business.</p>

<p>I have been accepted and this will help me finalize my choice</p>

<p>I don't know what you mean by getting too large. They always admit about the same number of students each year (they had to admit about 100 more this year because they didn't expect the yield). My D who is a freshman is having a great time with football, friends etc. She likes the fact that it is large. More choice, more diversity, etc. And people are not snobs like at UVA. Everybody is super friendly.
As for jobs, I can only talk about a friend's son who is graduating this year in engineering and already has a nice job lined up in Florida.
Hope this helps.</p>

<p>How have you already been accepted and not be ed, where it is binding? I'm guessing you did on the spot application at a cc?</p>

<p>(they had to admit about 100 more this year because they didn't expect the yield)
-Where did you hear that?</p>

<p>3311, Just a few comments from what I have learned about Virginia Tech:</p>

<p>We are in state as well, my husband and I are both in education. Because of our jobs, we have quite a few contacts with parents and members of business community. We have heard more about the school's reputation for its academic rigor being on the rise, even with the football team continuing to do the same. (Even our best Wahoo friends concede that the academic superiority that they once felt over VT has diminished in the last 5 years

<p>As a mom who is sending her first off to college, I talked to a lot, and I mean a lot, to former VT grads about the school's size. I, unlike my s, was a bit- OK quite a bit- worried about a 25K student body school for him. But everyone I spoke with spoke of the unity of the kids and the way the school "shrunk" in size once you got there and got into your major. When we visited we all felt the school had a great vibe and to me the school did not feel too big. As a matter of fact, we toured USC-Columbia, which has fewer students and that school actually felt bigger to us than VT. But it is different for everyone.</p>

<p>About job placement, if you are a Virginia resident and do well at VT, especially in engineering, I think you have a tremendous shot at landing a solid job out of school. There are so many Hokies in this state and the school's reputation is so well-regarded. One friend of mine's son was a ME major and had 3 job offers to decide upon by the end of June.....</p>

<p>I do know that they had a room crunch at the beginning of this year because of 1. more kids accepted than they had anticipated and 2. they did not expel/ put on probation any kids for subpar academics due to the tragedy in April, so that left more kids on campus. This semester, however, it is back to the former policy and therefore the room situations will even back out.</p>

<p>Anyway, I think it would be great if you could go to Blacksburg and see for yourself. I know I am very biased in how we feel about VT. It needs to be your decision. For our s, it was evident how he felt about the school before we got back to the hotel! Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Yes I went to CC, I heard from people around school that "it was getting to large" and just wanted some more opinions. By getting to large I mean its becoming more like UVA. UVA is full of brats and I'm just trying to get a great college experience. You all have made my choice much easier, Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Every school has positives and negatives, and they all I am sure have brats- VT included :) I don't know much about the Pamplin School of Business and I apologize for not reading your OP better- I thought you were headed into engineering. IMHO, the potential for networking after graduation is a positive for a school like Tech, though, no matter what your major is, especially in the state of Virginia.</p>

<p>But really, your college experience has to be what YOU make of it, no matter where you go. I hope you take the time to visit and really look at the business departments of the schools you are considering. It would be rather unwise to be influenced by hearsay from your school or opinions on this forum.</p>

<p>Well, part of the size means that you can avoid the "brats" and have your own circle of friends that are how you like them. Every college is different of course but I think Tech gives you what most people mean when they say "college experience." Lots of people to make friends with, lots of parties to go to if thats your thing, lots of groups to join, lots of events on campus, etc. </p>

<p>As far as a job goes, if you're in Engineering and you do decent and get internships you will not have much of a problem getting a job. I can't stress this enough, Get. Internships. There are two career fairs for engineers and you can usually get your adviser to put you on the listserv so you get emails about interested companies. The engineering school is certainly well respected. I'm at an engineering conference and without seeing my resume I was offered an internship from a guy that represents a ceramics lab in California, but I had to decline since I already have an internship lined up for this summer.</p>