Is the CMDA core as daunting as I think?

In the curriculum, the CMDA core looks like it’s very difficult, especially the 2000/3000-level classes. Are they EXTREMELY hard? I am a B student in Phys 1 and Calc AB right now, and I don’t want to jeopardize my GPA by getting mediocre grades throughout a third of the degree.

Is CMDA as difficult as Engg. majors like CompE, EE or CS? I really don’t think I’m going to get into the E-school, and I am debating between BIT-DSS and CMDA-Econ as my secondary options.

@“1lalalalala!lalalalalala!” I recommend you go to the VT reddit site. You are more likely to speak with current students there than you are on CC since it’s mostly parents.

I’ve looked there, but I also wanted advice from CC as well.

From what i can tell, there’s only been a single current student (non CMDA major) who has posted on these CC threads in close to the past 12 months. As a prospective student, please be sure you are clear that the answer to your question isn’t advice, but is pure opinion. As a VT parent myself, I can say for certain that any info I might have on rigor of a particular program is so subjective it would be rejected outright in any data analysis exercise due to sample size.

My kid is a current double major CS-Eng/CMDA at VT. As mentioned above, it’s going to be pretty difficult to communicate class rigor, but I’ll ask my kid if there are any resources for folks trying to learn more about the program.
