Is the IB program a bad choice for me?

I love the IB program and how it puts a large emphasis on critical thinking and not just memorization. However, my school is very limiting in terms of IB. If I do the diploma program, I must take Math SL, History HL, Chinese SL, Biology HL, and English HL. This presents an issue for me because I want to major in physics, and doing IB means I’ll never take Calculus or Physics as a High School course. I love biology as well, but truth be told I have no interest in history.

To make up for the lack of physics and calc, I would gladly take AP Calc and Physics either online or over the summer. However, I’d like advice regarding whether this is the right choice.

If I do not do IB, I will be taking Honors Physics and Pre-Calc Junior year, and AP Physics and Calc senior year (I am unable to take AP Physics or AP Calc as a junior). This could potentially hurt my GPA because my school heavily weights AP/IB courses compared to honors. I would probably still do IB Chinese and IB English because I like the learning style and the teachers more, and would still have to take history as a junior, but senior year I could take AP computer science instead. Since I wouldn’t be learning Physics or Calc on my own, I’d be able to volunteer, seek out an internship, or do something along those lines in my free time.

I am an extremely hard worker and am currently ranked 1/941 (I go to a huuuugeee school). I dream of being admitted to highly selective schools such as the Ivies, and am worried that if I don’t do full IB, it will come across that I did not choose the most rigorous courseload. I could only take one AP class sophomore year and couldn’t do any freshman year, and feel the IB diploma is the only way to set myself apart from students who were able to rack up over 10 APs throughout their time in high school. However, I’m very conflicted due to the lack of higher level math and physics in the IB program at my school.

What’s the best pathway for me? The IB diploma or the alternate courses I described?

AP sounds like the way to go for a future physics major while taking as many other IB/AP classes as possible. This combination should get you the rigor check mark. Selective schools consider what is available at your school and many require physics or chemistry. They could see that you didn’t have any other choice.

By the way, you would learn some calculus in SL.

AP is definitely the way to go if you want to do head into a science career! Full IB is overrated anyway. You can always take a mix of IB and AP if you’d like. I take AP math and science classes but I do IB English and IB History. Those 2 IB classes are enough for me lol. Trust me, you don’t want to go into the IB program.It will be stressful, and taking AP Physics or Calc on top of that would be even worse.

Okay, so I take Bio HL, History HL, Math SL, and Chem SL. Math SL (year 2) does teach u abt 80% of the same stuff as AP Calc AB – even more if you have a better teacher. It’s for people who are good at math, but are not going to major in math or whatever. I mean it’s basically the same thing as half of a college calc course. Ask someone what their experience was with taking calc/physics online… it depends on how your school offers it, tbh! I took all IB classes, and never took an AP class (except human geo) so I have no idea. Also if you do the IB program, it is possible to get straight As and do whatever you want. A job, volunteer, intern, whatever your heart desires!

Here’s the truth: The IB program is awful. Taking 10 classes of AP is nowhere as bad as even taking the 3 HLs and doing the IAs/EE/TOK stuff/etc! Yet, colleges (in the U.S) view AP and IB as the same. Now even if your rank drops to top 3 or top 5, you won’t be hurt a lot (unless you go to a school where only the valedictorian goes to great colleges, haha).

The most rigorous coursework would be IB diploma plus AP Calc/AP Physics. I do think AP Calc will be a little easy compared to when you take it because some of the units overlap with IB Math SL (part 2), but physics will be new. It’s up to you honestly! After finishing the IB program at my school, I know that I benefitted from it because my weighted GPA is really high and because I feel like I’m a really hard worker compared to the AP students who don’t know what real stress feels like, but I would have also liked to relax by not doing the IB program.

I know lots of kids who go on to STEM college programs coming out of IB. It takes a little planning but it can be done.

The problem is that his school doesn’t offer IB Physics.

GPA will play a factor and honestly IB can drag you down very easily just because of the amount of outside work you have to do plus whatever class assignments you have. Colleges look at IB and AP the same so don’t let that deter you from going with AP classes

Thank you so much to everyone who commented. My school just cut the IB program because we’re apparently 16 million in debt, so uh… there goes that! Here’s to hoping AP doesn’t get cut too… :frowning: