Is the IB program right for me? PLEASE HELP!!

<p>First off, you don't have to answer all of my questions if you don't have answers to all of them. ANY ADVICE IS HELPFUL PLEASE! :)</p>

<p>As of now I am a sophomore in high school. I am planning on transferring to another school within my district, however i am not sure which one i should transfer to, because one has the IB program and the other does not.</p>

<p>Option 1: Capuchino High School
-IB program
-No AP or Honors classes
This school has generally lower income students, therefore most of the classes they offer aside from the IB program are support classes</p>

<p>Option 2: Aragon High School
-AP courses (the ones i plan on taking are statistics and macroeconomics)
-Honors courses (i plan on taking honors english) </p>

<p>The main reason I am looking at Capuchino is because they have the IB program and there is a possibility I may want to attend Central Saint Martins or the London College of Fashion, both international schools. I want to major in either fashion marketing or journalism, and eventually become fashion director of a magazine. Will taking the IB program and going to Capuchino benefit me if I go to one of these two international schools? Or am I better off just going to the other high school and taking AP and honors courses? Because honestly i don't really want to go to Capuchino, the only reason I am even considering is because of the IB program. </p>

<p>If you don't mind, you can go to the two school websites (just type in capuchino high and aragon high and they'll pop up) to look up the actual courses.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I looked at both high schools, and I personally think Aragon will be a much better choice. I don’t know if this means much to you, but their test scores are significantly higher, and they offer more challenging courses overall. For example, Aragon offers AP Calc BC, while Capuchino only offers Math SL, which is equivalent to about a AP Calc AB.
If you want challenging courses, go to Aragon. If you really want to study international, you should go for Capuchino. Good luck on making your decision! I’m a sophomore and I’m going into IB next year.</p>

<p>I don’t have much to say, but I do know that the UK views the IB program quite highly, higher than how US universities view IB. Not sure if that would influence your decision, but you should go on the websites of these colleges and check how they view IB/AP.</p>

<p>IB Math SL is not equal to ap calcus AB. Ap calculus AB is higher level math then IB math sl</p>

<p>^ Depends on how your school does it. I got a 6 on IB Math SL and a 5 on the AP Calc AB test after my school’s IB Math SL class.</p>

<p>“i don’t really want to go to Capuchino, the only reason I am even considering is because of the IB program.”</p>

<p>i think you have your answer.</p>