Is the schedule (junior year) too rigorous?

<p>Disclaimer: I am not the perfect 4.0 although I do consider myself pretty smart. I am a sophomore now planning my junior year schedule. I'm aiming at top 15 schools, so I really want to impressive them.</p>


<p>AP US
AP Stats
AP Environmental Science
AP Computer Science (no prior experience- but I learning)
AP Lang
Spanish 3
Ceramics (mandatory art requirement)</p>

<p>Everyone (even the super smart kids) are just taking 2-3. I'm fairly confident, that if I really try I can achieve good grades. I don't want to be biting off more than I can chew, because like I mention earlier, I'm not super smart. Plus considering that junior year, I have to study for SATS/ACTS and most likely doing community service, which will undoubtedly occupy my time. I want to have at least 3.8+ GPA but might just take Honors English 11. What is your opinion?&lt;/p>

<p>P.S: I mean is *my (in the title)</p>

<p>Nope, not really. If you are in a sports team, then it is a different story.</p>

<p>Ehh…don’t want to be negative, but just because it’s an AP doesn’t mean it’s really special. AP Env and Stats are pretty soft and not that impressive. AP Lang is an average AP, not super impressive like AP Physics C. Loading up on junk food AP’s won’t do much for you in all honesty.</p>

<p>Anyway you’ll be fine, that’s a tough schedule but not death.</p>