<p>Disclaimer: I am not the perfect 4.0 although I do consider myself pretty smart. I am a sophomore now planning my junior year schedule. I'm aiming at top 15 schools, so I really want to impressive them.</p>
<p>AP US
AP Stats
AP Environmental Science
AP Computer Science (no prior experience- but I learning)
AP Lang
Spanish 3
Ceramics (mandatory art requirement)</p>
<p>Everyone (even the super smart kids) are just taking 2-3. I'm fairly confident, that if I really try I can achieve good grades. I don't want to be biting off more than I can chew, because like I mention earlier, I'm not super smart. Plus considering that junior year, I have to study for SATS/ACTS and most likely doing community service, which will undoubtedly occupy my time. I want to have at least 3.8+ GPA but might just take Honors English 11. What is your opinion?</p>
<p>P.S: I mean is *my (in the title)</p>