<p>My D and I were at Sleeping Bag weekend a couple of days ago, and got to see CMU for the first time. Although I left with a very favorable impression of the University overall, I have to say I have a less favorable impression of the School of Design. My daughter still feels very good about CMU and the School of Design, as she did before we visited, and I have not shared my concerns with her as of yet. I really want to like this school.</p>
<p>The first thing that surprised me was that the School of Design building itself (I think it's called Margaret Morrison) seems a bit worn. The floors are in poor shape and the walls are a dull beige color with almost nothing on them except a couple of flyers about an Anime club. What a contrast to the beautiful College of Fine Arts building! It also seems ironic because design is supposed to be about aesthetics and functionality.</p>
<p>What concerned me more is that the students we ran across in the Design building did not seem happy. And I know it was Sunday and they probably had work due, and I certainly don't expect students to be friendly and smiling all the time, but the overall "vibe" was pretty glum. Even the three design students who gave a talk (while the faculty were in a nearby room reviewing portfolios) did not seem all that energetic or pleased to be there. Again, maybe it was the weather or maybe the students even sort of adopted the mood of the audience - maybe WE were the ones who were too subdued.</p>
<p>I always hear that as a whole, CMU undergrads and grads are much sought after for summer jobs and "real" jobs. But again, this did not seem to be the case as much with the School of Design, especially with Communication Design majors. I believe they named some firms that come to campus looking for Industrial Design majors, but I didn't hear company names that made me think of Communication Design majors. </p>
<p>And just looking at the "rankings roundup" link from their website, their ID program is ranked in the top 10, but not Communication Design. It's ok that CD is not in the top 10 - I just want CMU not to neglect or abandon it.</p>
<p>So please, people... tell me I am wrong or jumping to conclusions. Actually, just tell me what you really think. My hope is that CMU is truly committed to its Design programs, both CD and ID, and to the success of its students in those programs. Overall, I think it is a superb school.</p>