Is the U known to be good with merit aid? I don't think I'll receive any FA.


70k is a lot for a college (my parents can pay, but there are cheaper options), but is U Miami known to give out pretty good merit aid (like Clarkson U in NY)? Thanks.


If you are in the top 25% of admitted students, I think it is reasonable to hope for 15K to 23K in merit aid. They do have quite a few larger awards, but those are more hit and miss. If you are a National Merit Finalist, then that can add about 25K to the institutional award to make it quite affordable.

How does the top 25% look like (in terms of GPA and SAT)?

Say 3.9+ Unweighted GPA with rigorous schedule and 1480+SAT. I would think that would make you at least competitive for a scholarship.

Ummm… I have a 3.8 unweighted and 1450 ish SAT (planning to retake). My extracurriculars aren’t dazzling either. Am i competitive for a scholarship?

Does this apply to OOS NMF and will it stack with a 20,000 presidential merit award?

If it does apply to OOS and I believe it does now, do you know the process @VryCnfsd

NMF (OOS or instate) get the Benacquisto award (of about $23k) from the state of Florida. An instate resident would also get about $4k as a resident grant. I think UMiami will also stack its merit awards on top of those.

I don’t know the details, and I am not even 100% sure whether Miami will stack their award on top of Benacquisto, but that is what others here have reported. I would give them a call to find out for sure.

Doesn’t it depend mostly on household income? I’m trying to figure out how much aid I should be able to get.

Its my understanding that if its a merit award , not financial aid, it will stack. My D20 also got a 3000 work study. Our EFC was 77,000, which is absurd, so I assume they will revoke the 3000. She of course is thrilled by the prospect of not having to work. I called UM yesterday to ask when they needed my D to declare them as #1 and they told me May 31. Although they were very confused, so I may need to follow up. She is still waiting to see if she gets into USC (California). We switched her school choice with NMF to “undecided” as USC is also May 31. I think her final decision will come down to USC and Miami. We are doing admitted student day at UM April 5.

I don’t think UMiami’s merit scholarships have any need based component, just giving out based on stats and any other requirements (essays, talent) they have. They may also have some need based aid but if you have high merit awards, your need may be met.

Have you used the NPC?

I have used the NPC, I’m just not 100% sure how accurate it is. I was just wondering if anybody received a specific aid reward.

Our NPC was 6000 all merit. So far 20K presidents, and should be 23K Benacsquito. More like 30k OOP per year to attend. Not even close to 6. But still great