Is there a change at 2015?

<p>Will there also be a change for ACT on 2015, aside from the digital testing? </p>

<p>I think that I am currently very comfortable with the ACT format. I would be going to college at 2018. </p>

<p>If so, should I take the ACT by 2014 before the change?</p>


<p>Did you do any computer-based exams, if yes and comfortable with it you should wait. If no take it now.</p>

<p>I’m happy that you’re looking into these things as an 8th grader. You will have an advantage. I think you should take it later on when you know your stuff because taking it early with insufficient knowledge will yield a low score.</p>

<p>I am comfortable with computer-based exams. However, I read somewhere that the ACT and SAT’s format would change totally. </p>

<p>I am quite confused with the wording. Does it mean when you take the test on paper, the format will still be the same as it is now? </p>

<p>I saw it here: <a href=“What the New SAT and Digital ACT Might Look Like - The New York Times”>What the New SAT and Digital ACT Might Look Like - The New York Times;


<p>You are too young to care… Go have some fun.</p>

<p>What’s young with 8th/9th grade?</p>

<p>You don’t want to take the ACT as a freshman unless you’re a superior genius.</p>

<p>I would argue that you should take the ACT as many times as possibly allowed, but don’t report scores, including your high school, until your senior year. I believe you can take the ACT upto 12 times.</p>

<p>Taking the test is the best practice our there. There is a lot of variation in the books available with some too hard in one section or another, too easy, or just plain wrong advice. The more times you take the ACT the more comfortable you’ll be with the test and understand a strategy that is applicable to you.</p>

<li> Sep of 9th grade.</li>
<li> Dec or Jan of 9th grade.</li>
<li> Jun, summer before 10th grade.</li>
<li> Jan of 10th grade.</li>
<li> Jun, summer before 11th grade.</li>
<li> Sep of 11th grade.</li>
<li> Jan of 11th grade.</li>
<li> April of 11th grade.</li>
<li> Jun, before 12th grade.</li>
<li>Sep of 12th grade.</li>
<li>Oct of 12th grade.</li>
<li> One last time by Jun after 12th grade, as that may boost you up for scholarships at state universities.</li>

<p>Don’t do that… just don’t.</p>

<p>Why shouldn’t you take it that many times?</p>

<p>^^ that is arguably the worst ACT advice ever…
just coz you CAN take it 12 times doesn’t mean you have to!</p>

<p>OP since you are still so young and already so ambitious i’m gonna guess that your target universities are gonna be the most elite ones…
well, a lot of them, in fact most of them require you to submit your ENTIRE testing history…i don’t think you want them to see your low 20’s even if you did give them sooner than anyone else…
also, most colleges actually recommend students to take the SAT/ACT only 3 to 4 times… taking it more than 5 times is counter productive…
the only reason colleges want you to take the test more than once is to give you the benefit of doubt…anything can happen when you give it only once…you could be nervous…you could be sick etc… THAT is the real reason the tests can be given more than ONCE…to eliminate that, giving it 3 to 4 times will suffice…
i repeat, giving it 12 times can and will harm your app more than it will help…EVEN if you end up with a super-score of 36…it will come off as a desperate attempt…you could be doing much more useful activities in your prep time that will actually HELP your applications…</p>

<p>you want to get into college coz of your ability, not by taking the ACT 12 times so u in effect “cheat” the system…</p>

<p>also, universities are relying on standardized testing less and less each year…by the time you apply, the value of an ACT score WILL have dropped… not abolished but diminished nonetheless… so if you actually spend time to add a few AH-MAZING EC’s in your app, it will without doubt help you more than giving the ACT 12 times…lol</p>

<p>^^^If what you’re saying is true, then the testing organizations (College Board & ACT) would only let you take the test 2 twice a year. The fact is, most kids go to their in state colleges, where many of them have a defined score for scholarships. >31.</p>

<p>Having scatter shot ECs will not help much either. GPA with maximum AP courses carries the most weight in admissions.</p>

<p>why not to take it:
1)it’s a waste of your life
2) it costs a ****-ton of money
3) it looks bad to top universities who only want to see you take it 2 times, maybe 3
4)some schools require all scores
5)it will make it look like you are a test - robot, and tests are the only thing you will care about
6)if you were actually smart, you’d only need to take it a couple times to score the score you want
7)the ACT is stupid, take the SAT</p>

<p>The collage board and ACT let you take it 12 times for the same reason they let you take it even once…they just money making organisations with executives who get a 7 digit bonus every year…it been proven again and again that these tests don’t really do what they r supposed to…that is, they don’t indicate college readiness…</p>

<p>Once again, having the choice to give it 12 times isn’t a valid reason actually give it 12 times. That would be laughable…</p>