Is there a curve on TOEFL iBT scoring?

<p>Can I miss on one question and still get a 30 on a TOEFL iBT section?</p>

<p>We don’t know, and frankly, who cares?</p>

<p>TOEFL = biggest waste of $180 of my life. Someone call these bastards out for monopolization.</p>

<p>Sorry, OP, had to rant. I think yes, you can still get a perfect score.</p>


Just a guess or do you have evidence?</p>

<p>^ Well, I know for sure that I got a question wrong but in the end I got a 30 on the section anyway. It was a reading passage on a topic I was actually very familiar with but I had one of those dumb moments and ticked an incorrect answer and realized it a few seconds afterwards. Not sure if this is only for the reading section though.</p>

<p>Lot of people seem to be getting 30s on sections, but I can’t pull up 0 mistakes on practice tests.</p>

<p>For those who might need the answer, I found out that there indeed is a curve on the TOEFL iBT and that you can miss up to 3 on the reading section and 2 on the listening section, depending on the difficulty, and still get a perfect score. Not sure about speaking but writing seems to be the harshest.</p>

<p>You can still miss up to 3?? That’s nice to hear.</p>

Not sure about speaking but writing seems to be the harshest


<p>Is this just a guess or a general consensus? (though I don’t really think one exists) The points I lose for speaking is more than the points I lose for the other sections combined :(</p>

<p>Bilguun, where did you get the information from?
Don’t get me wrong, I totally believe you. I’m just curious…</p>

<p>I am interested in Thomas’ and Mega’s questions as well. I had lived in the US for a year when I took the TOEFL. My speaking skills were serving me just fine for high school academics and everyday life but I was having a hard time writing papers. Oddly enough, my writing score was a lot higher than my speaking score.</p>

<p>I’ll post the conversion table here. I guess I kinda misentepreted yesterday. :)</p>

Raw scores
42-41 = 30
40-39 = 27-30</p>

Raw scores
36 = 28-30
35 = 28-30
34 = 28-30
33 = 28-30
32 = 27-29
I got this from the Scoring sections of the practice tests in the ETS TOEFL iBT book.</p>

<p>There’s no conversion table for the speaking and writing sections in the book, but I’ve heard that in order to get a 30 on the writing, both your essays should get the full marks.</p>


Lol, so even a perfect raw score might lose you points? That doesn’t sound very fair…</p>

<p>The score range for math in SAT is 770-800 if if you get everything right.
Funny how ETS makes loads of math problems but don’t use the logic that max. raw score = max. scaled score</p>