<p>I've been reading a lot of stuff about getting your score online is this true, and what is the site if it is true?</p>
<p>If you took the test at a "normal" (national, not state or special) testing center, scores are usually up for MC after 2 and 1/2 weeks and up for essay after 4 1/2 weeks. This may vary if there are any problems (investigating, slow shipping, irregularities at your testing center, whatever).</p>
<p>You can't speed up recieving the score report by mail or score reporting to colleges.</p>
<p>^if u took the one with an essay.. will you get ur score without essay in 2.5 weeks?</p>
<p>yes, but i got my essay score within 4 days of my mult choice.</p>
<p>what do u mean multiple choice scores will be up? where will they be up at?</p>