<p>i would love a place where they have bundled together all the sat words that could possibly be on the test. does one exist on collegeconfidential/collegeboard/the web?</p>
<p>Barrons's 3500 has almost all the past SAT vocab.</p>
<p>Actually, I came across "allegoric" across the test. I don't think Barron's has that. :p </p>
<p>But I knew what it meant ... I read the word in some novel.</p>
<p>Barrons has about 80% of the vocab.</p>
<p>Yes, I counted: I'm a tutor, and I put all the words from 20 real SATs in a database at one point. </p>
<p>I don't know if I still have that list--the list of all the past words--but you can pm me if you want and I'll see if I can locate it.</p>
<p>You don't need to learn several thousand words. My analysis of the March, May and June SATs clearly revealed that the three best sources for SAT vocabulary are Direct Hits, PR's Hit Parade and Rocket Review's Core Words. This conclusion was just reconfirmed on the October SAT. Taken together these three sources have about 500 different words and generate 16 to 20 hits per test plus a significant number of indirect hits. I just took the October test and knew every word on the test. (Should have a great score but am worried about the series of CR questions that had very close answers)</p>
<p>Well, I used Barron's Hot Words and High Frequency list ... and Kaplan's flashcards. About 500 words for me too - and I knew every word too! :p </p>
<p>So you can see why I would recommend Barron's. ;)</p>
<p>just search for sites..sparknotes has the 1000 most common SAT words list..u can download it from their site for free</p>
<p>thanks this is really helpful. the vocabulary part always messes me up.</p>
<p>What is barrons hot words?</p>
<p>I've gotten a few requests for the vocabulary lists, and I need to put them online for my own students, so I thought I would stick them online as I found them and let you guys look them over, too, if you wanted.</p>
<p>What I have so far is the lists that I use in my classroom: a 1900-word list of high-frequency vocab from real exams, and a 5000-word list of vocabulary, all words that have occurred on real exams (GREs, PSATs, and SATs) in the past. The 5000-word list is pretty exhaustive; it has covered about 95% of the words on past SATs. It's used mostly by nonnative speakers and international students. It's obviously intense, but it gets the job done: it has raised scores by a ton of points. The 1900-word list has covered 70-80% of SAT vocab in the past: almost as good as Barrons, and only a little more than half as long. </p>
<p>I offered these list before at a different URL, <a href="http://www.sesamewords.com%5B/url%5D">www.sesamewords.com</a>, but then I took them down to edit them. (That URL is dead now.) A while ago, there were several threads about these lists: if you are curious, you can find them if you search for sesamewords or if you search for threads that I started (lotf629).</p>
<p>I stuck the lists on a blog page for you guys. The lists themselves are at </p>
<p>WaltonWords</a> Blog Archive The Great SAT and GRE Vocabulary Giveaway: The Lists</p>
<p>A little backstory about the lists--how they were compiled, and what each is good for--is at </p>
<p>WaltonWords</a> Blog Archive The Great SAT and GRE Vocabulary Giveaway: Preface</p>
<p>This page also answers the question, "Should I care about high-frequency GRE or PSAT words if I am studying for the SAT?"</p>
<p>I am still looking for my list of the words that have occurred only in SATs. In the meantime, I think you guys will probably find the other lists even more helpful.</p>
<p>I'll probably be posting more stuff in the coming weeks at the same place. For a while I had a fantasy about writing a book, but now that I am going back to graduate school, I am not sure I will ever have time. So I hope that some of you guys can get some use out of all this stuff: it took me a bazillion hours to create, and it really is quality.</p>
<p>thanx!!! you really have put work on the list.... again man THANX!!!</p>
<p>but only thing i didnt like in it was that it was not well organized</p>
<p>Hey sagoorbest, glad you could use it.</p>
<p>Actually, it's really carefully organized, but you're right that I didn't do a very good job of showing how it's organized. I should fix that in another version. Each list is sorted into levels, by frequency. Each level is arranged alphabetically. If you notice, the words will seem to follow alphabetical order, and then the alphabetical order starts over. When the alphabetical order starts over, that's because the words have just "leveled up." So I should do another version that makes the method of organization more clear.</p>
<p>Thanks for letting me know what you'd like me to fix; I'd like to make sure it's as useful as possible. I'll see what I can do about that in the near future.</p>
<p>well if that future is near like after 2 days or so it wuld be really helpful for nov SAT for otehrs and me too .... :-)</p>
<p>Wait, sagoorbest. What kind of additional organization are you looking for?</p>
<p>I don't think that any additional organization will change the order in which you learn the words. If you're taking the November test, you should download the High-Frequency list and get cracking on it, starting from the words at the beginning of the list and working your way through it.</p>
<p>I don't know if I'll have time to reorganize the list in the next couple of days, but it shouldn't slow you down any.</p>
<p>If you want specific information about how to approach the list, let me know.</p>
<p>k wellu knw better ...so well i have to agree with you as u compiled the list :-) thnx</p>
<p>Hey you guys,</p>
<p>I had completely forgotten, but actually, I already posted the SAT data--that is, all the words that appeared on past SATs--on this very site about a year ago. The post is at </p>
<p>That thread has the lists, both in alphabetical order and leveled. I'll try to post them at my own site with defs or syns in the near future, so that you guys can have them in a more convenient format if you want them. </p>
<p>Sagoorbest, I did take your request seriously; it's just that I'm busy. I'll see if I can have your list live in the next couple days, 'kay?</p>
<p>Best of luck to you all.</p>
<p>As an international student,the 3500 Barron`s list is the most appropriate one for me.I even need to learn more words once i finish the 3500,</p>
<p>I put the same lists up again in a somewhat more user-friendly format at [Real</a> Vocabulary](<a href=“http://www.realvocabulary.com%5DReal”>http://www.realvocabulary.com).</p>
<p>These guys put together a basic list. I started there. Not bad. Pretty much a good foundation of 300 words.</p>
<p>[Amazon.com:</a> Verbal Mastery for the SAT Test (College Prep Edition): Verbal Boost: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B001RV8DZ0]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B001RV8DZ0)</p>