Is there a meaningful difference in academic quality between Holy Cross and BC?

Thanks for all the responses. How do schools like Fordham and Villanova compare to HC and BC academically/reputation-wise?

The Jesuits themselves consider BC and Georgetown in a different class for their tuition exchange program. They have an exchange for the dependents of academics and staff for the 33 or so Jesuit schools, but BC and Georgetown are not included. It may be just be because of the popularity of those two schools not necessarily for the quality, but that’s how it is.

BC is better known to the public, especially outside New England. I lived in a neighboring town when I was very young and remember going to Holy Cross to watch a football game. I had never heard of other schools in Worcester (Clark, Assumption, WPI) and I lived there. It’s not that much different that people haven’t heard about Willamette or Lewis and Clark or Gonzaga or U of Portland if they aren’t from the northwest.

I’d say more people have a knowledge of Fordham and Villanova than Holy Cross (again outside of NE) just because of sports but don’t know a lot about the schools themselves. One year I was picking March Madness teams and said I was picking the catholic schools because God was on their side. A co-worker said “Villanova is not a catholic school.” Okay, but how do you explain all those priests sitting behind the bench?

I’d probably put Villanova pretty even to HC, a bit below BC.

I’d put Fordham a bit below the others – but FWIW my S graduated from Fordham (Gabelli), had a wonderful experience, academics were very strong, and he got into a top grad program in his field. Fordham might be the most generous with merit aid.

All of these are wonderful schools so it should come down to factors such as price and personal preference.

@preppedparent Worcester may not be Wellesley, but it is certainly NOT the armpit of Massachusetts. Over 100 restaurants opened in the past year in Worcester and $$ millions in private and public investment have spurred office, hotel and residential development. Last year the Hanover Theater hosted over 250 events, including Broadway touring companies. They also opened a new arts conservatory to further their mission of bringing arts to all. Worcester has its share of urban problems, but I can’t get over such a harsh and misleading (and snobby, tbh) comment. If that is your opinion, fine, but don’t state it as though it were a fact.

Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread.

BC and Holy Cross are both excellent. Alumni from both are well regarded and successful.

okay, I’ll concede on Worcester, but its not my favorite city in the state of Massachusetts.