Is there a post graduation trip to Europe (or elewhere) sponsored by the University of Alabama?

DS has taken a couple of trips affiliated with the University and had wonderful experiences. These trips could be called categorized as voluntourism. Now he’s asking if we might send him to Europe on a post graduation trip. If anyone would know, it would be someone here! We may have created a travel bug…

I am not sure, but why not have him grab a friend and do Europe on his own (it would probably be cheaper, he probably would see more things he was interested in, and navigating Europe on his own would be a great growing experience.) If he goes, I hope he has a wonderful time. Roll tide!

UA does organize a “post graduation” trip through a private company, though I don’t think many people go.

Europe is generally a very easy place to travel. The trend for young people is to travel on their own or with a small group of friends and take day tours and pub crawls every couple of days. This allows for maximum flexibility while meeting lots of other young people. Rail Passes are still a fairly popular option, though more and more visitors are choosing to fly instead so they can visit countries which aren’t as close together.

Here’s a website I found for when our kids are older and have lots of money to spend on these kinds of trips! :wink: (most alumni associations have similar)