<p>Like the name says, is there a way for me to check my AP grades via Harvard? My friends who are going to the UCs found out theirs via their schools' sites. I'm out of the country so I won't be able to check my mail any time soon, and I definitely don't want to pay the Collegeboard any more money than I already have.</p>
<p>I couldn’t find mine online, but I got them in the mail yesterday. Just be patient :)</p>
<p>chanfest, where do you live? i haven’t gotten mine yet</p>
<p>Pevee, unfortunately, I don’t think the scores will show up on my.harvard until late August (with our placement test scores).</p>
<p>AP scores aren’t toooo big of a deal at Harvard anyways - they’re mainly used alongside the placement exams in order to create course recommendations for you.</p>
<p>bah! that sucks!
but thanks anyway guys.
I know ap scores don’t mean much at Harvard, but I made a bet with my friend. ;)</p>