Is there any advantage of University of California application ahead of time

We are California based.
While applying, Is there any advantage of University of California application ahead of due date 11/30 ?

Not with respect to admission chances. However, the UC website is notorious for crashing towards the end of the month. I would try to get it submitted the week before Thanksgiving.


Absolutely agree with @lkg4answers.
I’ve had several students who were late with their applications because the system crashed on the 29th and 30th. You can’t wait until the last minute to send it in. Have all of your ducks in a row and advise your counselor which UC’s you are targeting. Remember that each UC is now getting near 100K applicants. The “popular” ones get over 100K.

For the glitches, some of the previous information was saved but the updates were not. They try to plan for it, but you never know. I’ve always recommended that the student apply by the 15th of November.
Good luck!!