Is there any downside to applying for aid?

S24 noticed a few schools strongly encourage everyone to fill out the FAFSA, even if they don’t qualify for aid. Clark and UMD are two schools I remember that posted on their website that they want you to fill out FAFSA regardless of financial circumstances. I know there were quite a few that made that statement.

They can ask…but no college can force you to complete a FAFSA.

Oh absolutely it’s a choice. But this was for those worried if filling out the FAFSA can hurt admission chances.

If you come out being full pay per the financial aid forms, a need aware college doesn’t need to allocate any financial aid funds to you. It’s my opinion, this won’t affect admissions…for a full pay family or close to it.


Just want to note that UMD is need blind. Clark is not.

Not filing FAFSA is perfectly fine (and it won’t affect your ability to get merit aid at UMD)

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But if a college is need aware…and the financial aid forms show the student doesn’t need a dime of aid, do you think this is a problem?


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