<p>will i be missing anything if i just stream the Lectures rather than physically going to them?</p>
<p>will i be missing anything if i just stream the Lectures rather than physically going to them?</p>
<p>nice question. im wondering too</p>
<p>You won’t miss anything.</p>
<p>lol should i even go the first day?</p>
<p>No. You don’t even need to go to the final exam either.</p>
<p>lol u mad?</p>
<p>Probably not =] I haven’t taken a bio course, and am nowhere near this major, but I once took Physics 7B, and never went to class. Well, technically I’d learned the material before already, and AP credits don’t count with the COE so I was retaking it, but still – the point is, forget class in lower div courses for the most part! In higher classes though, class actually can make a big difference.</p>
<p>very helpful post LH, thanks.</p>
<p>it’s best to go because (i took it in the fall) i along with many others ended up accumulating so many webcasts that we ended up not even being able to watch them all. and personally, it’s easier to take in info when im in class</p>