Is there ANY POSSIBLE chance/way I can transfer to Madison?

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I'm a Minnesota resident and currently a rising sophomore at Indiana University. UW-Madison was my first choice as I was applying to colleges as a high school senior, however I was rejected and ended up at IU which I honestly don't like that much. I was going to stick it out at IU and just hope things get better, but honestly, I want to go to Madison and I suppose there's no point in giving up. If important, my high school stats were 3.0 GPA/ 27 ACT / lots of AP's and EC's.</p>

<p>College stats:</p>

<p>First semester college: (Was working 30 hrs/wk)</p>

<p>Intro to Microeconomics: D+</p>

<p>Telecommunications Production: B</p>

<p>Intro to Media: C</p>

<p>Journalism: A-</p>

<p>Second Semester College: (was not working)</p>

<p>Pass/Fail Remedial Math: Pass</p>

<p>Intro to Criminal Justice: B</p>

<p>3rd Semester Spanish: B</p>

<p>Intro. Chem Lecture: C</p>

<p>Intro Chem Lab: B+</p>

<p>Telecommunications Management: C</p>

<p>Overall GPA: 2.6</p>

<p>Next Semester Classes: 4th Semester Spanish, Finite Mathematics, Telecom Lab, Media Life, and Media in Society. I might replace one of these with a core class.</p>

<li><p>I'm a Welcome Week coordinator for the dorm I lived in Freshman year, this fall.</p></li>
<li><p>Member of CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)</p></li>
<li><p>On the IU sailing team, on the recreationalsailing commitee board</p></li>

<p>.. and that's about it for freshman year. I want to get into Wisco someday, and I suppose I just need to know what term to apply for and what I have to do between now and then.</p>

<p>Any advice is appreciated!! Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m currently in the process of transferring to the UW, and the same thing that they say over and over is getting a GPA of above a 3.0 each semester. If your grades continue to show a rising trend that also looks really good. I dont think that they care so much about extracurriculars as a transfer applicant, more about achieving that 3.0</p>

<p>While you’ve got some interesting extracurriculars, your gpa is low for UW - I’d suggest trying to stick it out for another year at IU and focus on establishing a trend of improvement in your grades over the next few semesters. You sound genuinely interested in studying at UW - keep up the hard work and you’ll have a decent shot whenever you choose to apply!</p>

<p>Your high school grades and ACT/SAT scores basically don’t matter, neither do extracurriculars really. It’s just your personal statement, your letters of recommendation, and most importantly your GPA. You need at least a 3.0 to be considered (or be “competitive” as the Admissions Office terms it). 3.4 is the average GPA for transfer students, so if you really want to be sure you get in shoot for 3.5+.</p>

<p>Concentrate on academics next fall. You need much better grades. College is a full time job- treat it as such, ie don’t worry as much about the ECs. Your HS record- grades, test scores, et al- is becoming ancient history as you develop a college record. Get that high gpa next semester and then you can tell if you have a chance.</p>