<p>Right now, I have my heart set on studying somethin business-related (wishing for Wharton). But I also have a passion for the sciences and perhaps even engineering. But I don't think I can handle double majoring with engineering like the Jerome Fisher program at Wharton-Upenn, plus I would probably never get in anyway. But are there any top schools where you can major in say economics and minor in electrical engineering?</p>
<p>I guess not since no one's replying...</p>
<p>I know that most institutions will allow engineering students to take up a minor outside the college or another engineering discipline, but I've never actually heard of anyone doing what you're suggesting. I would just think that some of the difficulty with doing that would be the number of prerequisite coursework that you'd have to complete in order to start on the core courses. I guess you could always just select your top 5 or so schools that offer both programs and contact their EE departments and see what they say.</p>
<p>There are mixed majors evolving. My DS is doing a new business/electrical engineering major. Look into it - they are emerging yearly.</p>
<p>which school?</p>
<p>I highly doubt it as engineering majors have a set track from freshman year. I also think that an engineering major/business minor/major will serve you better.</p>
<p>If I don't get into Wharton, I might consider doing an engineer major and an economics or finance minor. It's just that I've heard so many horror stories about engineering. What do you guys think of a chem or bio or physics major along with a business major?</p>
<p>Well, I'm looking at a physics major at Stanford, and it's really a LOT of courses... I was trying to plan four years that included both a physics major and premed requirements, and even THAT was really tough. I basically would have had time to do my major courses, do premed, do general education, and that's IT. So, uhm, my point is, I think it's generally pretty hard to doublemajor when one of them is a science...</p>
<p>oh, yeh, I can just imagine double majoring with engineering...</p>