is there any way that i can participate in JROTC?

<p>MY school doesn't provide JROTC program.
It doesn't have one</p>

<p>BUt I really, really, really want to participate in JROTC</p>

<p>Therefore, I asked my school counselor but he doesn't know what to do either. :(</p>

<p>Can I participate in nearby school's JROTC Program?</p>

<p>or is it illegal?</p>

<p>HElp me out please!~</p>

<p>Similar situation a few years ago - D investigated. She was not able to participate in nearby JROTC. Reason: It was a different district. If there was a JROTC in her district she would have been able to participate. The other school JROTC unit was find with it - it was the school districts that refused to allow it. Don't know if it would still be the same, that was 6 years ago and of course it could be different in different places.</p>

<p>Other than getting your parents to move probably not.</p>

<p>However, look for other opportunities - i.e., Civil Air Patrol. Sea Scouts
My daughter was involved in a Law Enforcement Explorer Post sponsored by the State Police.</p>

<p>We have a few schools in our district that have this; most do not. Students are allowed "permissive transfer" to attend the school w/ the program. Our district is this is a great solution here...however, most districts don't have so many high schools and you will just have to find an alternate program to participate in.</p>

<p>I've heard of students starting JROTC programs at their high schools and they got into West Point so it's worth a try. Schedule an appointment with your superintendent and see what you can do.</p>

<p>At the school I went to in Virginia we did not have JROTC because our school was smaller, but you were allowed to attend another school which did have JROTC, but you had to provide your own transportation, I believe.</p>