Is there any way to get transcripts early or apply without them?

Bama is my top choice and I want to apply as soon the applications are released so I can know as soon as possible. Only problem is my school doesn’t get the transcripts done till around beginning of October. I find this annoying because there are some schools that I wanted to get there applications out by August but now have to wait. Is it possible to have the school get it done earlier or maybe apply without it and then have the school send it when there done?

You can always apply ahead of transcripts, scores, etc. being sent. Universities are used to having things come in at different times. You will not be fully admitted (or a decision made about your application) until everything is ‘in’, of course.

Being a rising senior (I’m assuming), you may be able to request an official transcript from your school now (before they close completely for the summer), because UA only reviews 9th-11th year grades anyway. Good luck.

I would think it would depend on the school as far as getting them done sooner. My son will be a senior and he ordered some as soon as school was out. He has already picked up the sealed copies that he will use for his college applications in August.

You can apply to schools and send the transcripts when they are done.

^ Yes, HS guidance counselors are possibly more willing to help you rising seniors out if you appeal to them for transcripts now (before they go on summer break), than if you are in the sea of applicants come the fall. Point out, politely, that you are helping THEM out as well as them helping you out! :wink:

Thanks for the quick reply. I think I’m gonna request my transcripts now if it isn’t a problem. Is there any other type of advantages to applying early other than finding out earlier?

Advantages: If you pay your deposits early (after admission decision), you will get a priority date for choosing housing. You also will get access via your mybama account and can start looking at actual courses, professors, schedules, etc.

Remembering how stressful the fall semester of senior year was for many of my own kids’ peers, their having those early school acceptances was a HUGE psychological boost for my kids. Many, many HS seniors just don’t get their act together…and by October are really scrambling to complete applications and write essays and gather documents. Why put off till tomorrow that which you can do today!? Admire your foresight.

My daughter had this problem. Her application was submitted in early July and her scores and her community college transcript were there by the end of July. Her HS, on the other hand, didn’t get the transcript out until very late September, and would not accommodate a request to send it sooner. No action was taken by Bama on her application until the transcript arrived.

My daughter is dealing with the same thing. I just e-mailed out GC and let him know are plans and he said he would do his best to get it done in August. My daughter is anxious just like you.