<p>I haven't heard back from ANY UC!
I have a 3.48
Tag with UCSD and UCSB
I finished IGETC
I'll have most my prereq's done
I'm a Psych Major
I cannot relax even though it's Spring Break!</p>
<p>I applied to UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD, UCLA and UCB
I get that no ones heard from UCLA or UCB but seriously nothing from ANY of the others either!</p>
<p>Don’t Trip man. i was in the same boat as u up until 4 hours ago. then i checked UC davis and i got accepted. but i only heard from UCSC who rejected me, and UC Davis and i got in. Still waiting on UCSB, UCSD, UCI, LA, and berkeley.</p>
<p>Dude did you guys ever have the May 2nd housing application message? Just curious. Iamlegendary I would call admissions and tell them you forgot to mark TAG on your original application. You are essentially tag, but if you didn’t mark it they might treat you differently. Just tell them you fulfill all the requirements for it.</p>
<p>Man yeah they told me that at least two times too. Those *******s, why are they even there? Might as well not have a call line if you’re just going to tell everyone to “just wait for your decisions”.</p>
<p>I just hope uc davis sends out there decisions before there admit day next friday. Im sure all of us who did apply to davis and are still waiting want to go as well and if you guys/girls work as well we need time to request it off.</p>
<p>I never got the message the first time, still haven’t gotten it…I hope they just fixed what ever it was causing the message…and thats why I haven’t gotten it…??</p>
<p>Yeah i tried calling iamlegendary, but they say the same thing that they dont know much, and that the most reliable information is to keep checking my admissions. Hopefully its soon though. Im not mad, just want to hear hahaha. Maybe they released decisions today for davis in hopes of releasing them all week. Who knows.</p>