Is there anything wrong with taking a class at a CC if you hit the credit limit?

<p>I'm guessing that the university credit limits are in place to A. Make money and B. prevent students from taking on too much at once.</p>

<p>I'm taking 15 credits this semester and the limit for my school is 18.</p>

<p>If I took a 4 credit class at the local CC at the same time would it be okay and successfully transfer over? (Yes it transfers) Or would there be any problems?</p>

<p>Yes, I know, you don't work at my school but I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of anything like this. I don't see why they'd care but I'd just like to make sure. Thanks.</p>

<p>It might be easier to petition to take an overload. A lot of schools that claim to have a limit of 18 will allow you to override that limit if you talk to the right people.</p>

<p>You will have to ask your advisor to make sure your school allows you to take classes at two places at the same time. Like for instance at my school in the business school you have to get permission to do it, in engineering you are generally not allowed, in communications you can do it only if you meet certain requirements, etc etc.</p>

<p>It’ll probably be on your department website somewhere, maybe in the FAQ. If not there, then in the school catalog. Or search concurrent enrollment on your school homepage.</p>

<p>Take the course and when you’re finished just transfer it over, wait an extra semester if you are worried. I dont see why they would have a problem.</p>

<p>I did this my freshman year (I wasn’t over the unit cap), but I was enrolled at two schools simultaneously. They didnt have any problems with it.</p>

<p>I did this freshmen year. It was the last semester I could transfer credits from a CC and I wanted to do an easy U requirement online rather than at my U. My school didn’t have any problems with it, but I cleared it with my advisor first.</p>