Is there even a chance for me at JHU BME?

<p>I am currently a sophomore and the highest GPA I can get is a 3.43 gpa...</p>

<p>Is there even a chance for me?</p>

<p>bump please help</p>

<p>Obviously you’ll have to provide more information than that. There are many factors that are taken into consideration when applying to a university not just GPA but you’ve got two more years to improve it so just do good in school and wait.</p>

<p>If you want my advice, do all you can to get good grades and take leadership positions. Johns Hopkins is my dream school and I’m currently a junior and I’ve done things other people haven’t but I feel I could’ve done better, I just never applied myself when I knew I should’ve. Now I find myself panicking about not getting into my dream school and regret all the time I wasted that I could’ve used fore something more productive like studying. Make the most out of your high school years. Take it from me. </p>

<p>I’m currently applying myself to school and standardized tests so don’t wait and think: oh I’ve got two more years of high school, I’ll pull up that GPA later. I did that. I’m in the top 5% of my class but I could’ve been valedictorian but like I said, I didn’t apply myself.</p>

<p>You have potential thinking about this as a sophomore, keep it up. There is a chance just apply yourself. </p>

<p>Godspeed and God Bless.</p>