<p>I recently replaced my lost original version with the Silver Edition, and I feel as if the Silver Edition seems to be a glorified version of the original because of its preloaded apps, which can be downloaded for free onto the original. Apart from the removable faceplate, and a larger memory is there really much of a difference? There doesn't even seem to be much difference in terms of speed either, so am I missing something out of the Silver Edition, or is it really just an over-glorified version of the original?</p>
<p>Theres really no difference. I only got the silver edition because they were both the same price when I went calculator shopping 3 years ago.</p>
<p>I just know that the silver edition can change color. Like you can pop the plate for a different color.</p>
<p>Silver one can evaluate summations and do logarithms of different bases, but that’s about it.
Also ~3 times more memory.
But that’s just about it. No big difference.</p>
<p>Nah, the only reason I got the silver edition was that it was the one I found first, and there wasn’t a big price disparity.</p>
<p>I have a silver edition.</p>
<p>How is this even a discussion. My TI-89 titanium eats all TI-84s for breakfast and becomes more powerful every day. Everything else sucks and makes you waste your brainpower.</p>
<p>Michael2, my TI-89 Titanium CAS ate your TI-89 Titanium for lunch and looks pretty powerful now. Fate forbid, a TI-Nspire CAS CX comes round the corner! :eek:</p>
<p>^ Oh god.</p>
<p>That is some serious nerdiness xD</p>
<p>I thinkk it calculates the inverse values of certain distributions (Chi, t, geom) that the non-Silver edition isn’t able to do. Basically, it’s better for Statistics. I’m not 100% sure, but I think that’s what my Stat teacher said.</p>
<p>Absolutely no difference than the faceplates and much more archive memory (gaems!)
The silver ed comes preloaded with several free apps you could download and put on the non SE yourself. All functionality is the same, they use the same os updates and the like. </p>
<p>Of course I am partial to my Nspire CAS. My old 84+ gets no love.</p>
<p>@tizil, not sure if you were serious or not, but All TI89’s have CAS</p>
<p>But does the TI-84+ support pretty print (math type)?
I know the silver edition definitely does.</p>
<p>My trapper keeper controls all the computers in the world.</p>