<p>I started off okay. I got a 3.7 GPA my first semester of community college (Fall '09) but then it's gone downhill since due to major health issues. I'm now sitting at a 2.75 overall GPA until grades come in again from this fall. I took one honors class last semester and got a B. I've taken two this semester and I absolutely know I'm receiving an A in Honors History and English. I signed up for intersession and spring to take three more additional honors classes in English, Physics, and Linear Algebra, but I'm sure it's not worth it anymore and maybe I should just drop down to easier ones. I was going to try for UCLA, but I'm guessing my chances are slim to none now. I'm slowly regaining ground on my health, but it is very difficult.</p>
<p>not trying to discourage you, but your chances are indeed to very slim/none. UCLA is highly competitive and an applicant with a gpa below 3.3 most likely won’t be even glanced at, although you have taken honors courses and have had severe health issues. They will notice a declining curve though in your gpa, so most likely those honor classes have probably not done you a world of good (unless your doing well in them cause they increase your gpa a little bit more)</p>