Is there something wrong here?!

<p>Okay, so I applied for Spelman College Early Notification program before November 15. October 29th to be exact. I sent in my SAT scores from May 2008 and all my other material was received by Spelman by the first week of November. They sent me a letter around Christmas vacation saying they needed more materials! I was freaking out! I sent in an extra recommendation and my first quarter grades. So I did this, along with that I sent in a letter, in addition to a business plan I wrote for a yearbook business my friends and I have started. I'm so angry! I just received an email a couple minutes ago of them requesting an interview! What the h***! I'm going crazy because I have no idea what I've done wrong? I mean, I'm very good at interviews no doubt, but I remember speaking to one of their admissions counselors and they told me it "rarely" occurs. They only give interviews to those they feel they don't have enough information about. Is there something wrong here? Or am I just freaking out about nothing?</p>

<p>p.s. I requested an interview on the first day they offered over the phone though because I live in the Northeast..I can't wait but at the same time I'm nervous..especially since they asked for an interview to learn more about me :(
help! Any comments or suggestions would help :)</p>

<p>My D also had some administrative hurdles with Spelman. She also applied EA, and we visited at Thanksgiving, days before a deadline, and there were several pieces missing. Pieces that had been sent at the same time and received by other schools, and pieces that had been sent together, but some where received and some weren't. My D's school really came through, and got some things duplicated in the nick of time. No interview though. Maybe it means you will get some money!</p>

<p>Ooo, I see..I hope so! I really don't want to send anything again...My school is definetly not on top of things like I am. Did your daughter get in? If she did, did she attend or is planning to attend? </p>

<p>p.s. Thanks for answering!</p>

<p>She did get in; that was last year. She didn't go. Not into the HBCU thing.... not used to be around Black folks. Sigh. Good luck!</p>

<p>oOoo...I'm not either lol. My best friend and I are the only AA's in my class...hmm, I think it's because I haven't given it much thought. I want to be around all black folks though..I don't know why..I'm just tired of sticking out like a sore thumb. = /</p>

<p>Thanks, I wish myself luck too lol!</p>

<p>Superwoman, I think you will be fine. I think the interview may just be so Admin could get to know you a little better :). I was reading how you said that you and your best friend are the only AA's in your class, and I was thinking that that must suck, and then I realized that in my senior class they is probably about 15 AA's, but only me and my friend and in AP classes. There are a lot more AA underclassmen in both AP and honors at my school. Go figure. lol</p>

<p>Yea, I hope so.. yea it does stink! We are two completely different people and they always assume certain things about AA young women...It's so annoying. I'm very preppy but I love sneakers and the whole bright colors thing (eightees) I swear I was born in the wrong generation, while my friend has been around "white" people all her life, she's been going to private school since kindergarden so she's used to coping wiht the annoying comments. I tend to be outspoken about those things so they take the fact that I get mad as how every black girl reacts. It's pretty annoying. Especially when I say I have a problem with somebody they always ask, me "oh, are you gonna fight them girl?"..It's so irritating! But I deal with it in my own way, anger slashed down in poetry lol. I ended up there for the wrong reasons in the first place so I couldn't let my anger get over me. I do notice though that the underclassmen are getting more and more diverse which makes me so happy! Thank you for responding though :)</p>

<p>I really appreciate it.</p>

<p>O, and I put "white" in quotations because I hate saying white! and I also hate saying black...I'd much rather use Caucasian and African-American, Idk why it just runs a chill down my spine when I hear the two words or I say weird :(</p>

<p>I know exactly what you are talking about! I hate when people just assume things about you bc you are AA and smart. We aren't going to all act the same just bc we are AA. We don't all scream and fight somebody when we get mad. lol. I feel you on the 80s vibe. I am totally into the whole neon colors, like the Pastry's designs? Those are my favorite brand for bookbags and shoes. I like more of sandals and sneakers. :D Anyway, I think people are just so used to saying "black" and "white", that they don't realize the connotation that it could have. I personally don;t mind saying either, but I know people who prefer to say AA or Caucasian. Oh and no problem :)</p>

<p>Yay! Another 80s fan! Neon is definetly in wth me. The Pastry's bags are dope! But I don't like their sneakers too much, I feel like the designs on the sneakers are original but the shape of the sneakers are very odd :(</p>

<p>I'm totally with you on the sandles though, I love high heel sandles though. (Although I don't have that model walk down lol)</p>

<p>I know, they shape of the sneakers are a little out there, but i think they are cute. I think I'm going to buy a little Pastry bag for college :D I also love high heels, epecially since I'm short. I don't like really chunky heels though.</p>