Is there something wrong with Roosevelt/CCPA?

<p>I believe I know the reson for these teachers comments about Roosevelt’s reputation…because once upon a time it WAS a joke. She’s speaking her opinion based on past information.
10 years ago Joel Fink, and Luis Perez took over the program, and were determined to turn it around…and they did! Chicago theatres have since then taken notice, and we have become one of the most trusted programs. CCPA is now known to turn out extremly talented individuals, and theatres are noticing that our intense training has made us dedicated, and professional about our work. Our reputation has grown so much since then!
Many theatres at the Midwest Auditions I went to in St. Louis have worked with CCPA students and have started calling back anyone with that school on their resume!!
And we can only go up from here!..Luis is still working to make the program better and better, and every year the program incorprates more changes in order to be so.</p>

<p>I do believe that many are fixated on a few programs with “reputations”. The real issue is the fact that everyone graduates and enters a larger rejection pool (AKA “real life”). Our son absolutely LOVED his audition experience Feb. 19th at CCPA. He is currently in a program in Milwaukee that is facing budget cuts and he is heartbroken about it. Two acceptance notifcations arrived this week at great schools after Unified auditions-but J is absolutely crazy about CCPA. He loved the people, environment and Chicago area. As great as Mich or CCM might be-don’t discount the “fit” between a student and a school. He hasn’t heard yet from CCPA-but he’d trade the “top” for his comfort zone in a heartbeat. In the end-it’s the person, talent, opportunity and hard work that matter!</p>

<p>i was accepted and was, at first, hesitant to accept the offer based on several negative reviews that i read about the school. After talking with a few dedicated students and faculty, i have come to the conclusion that Roosevelt’s CCPA is probably gonna be an AMAZING fit for my career and education :D</p>

<p>It sounds like, from what I’m hearing, that Roosevelt CCPA is an excellent training ground but is recovering from a bad reputation and an affiliation with a school that has lower acceptance standards. I would be interested in hearing more from you students about your experiences there, and whether or not you’ve had work and/or internships in Chicago theaters.</p>

CCPA is a WONDERFUL place to study Musical Theatre. The school is now known as the “musical theatre school to go to in Chicago” as most of our alumni are working compared to Northwestern, Columbia, and DePaul. The training is top notch and hard work. The thing that is most important thing this school pushes is “being good people”. They want to make sure when we walk out the door we are hard workers, generous and nice to work with. That being said, EVERYONE in the conservatory from the students to the staff is very friendly and will practically go out of their way for you. It’s a big family - unlike the other schools I auditioned for. </p>

<p>As far as the mainstage, it is smaller, but don’t let it fool you. They do large scale musicals and plays in this space. The scenic designer is witty and creative to create AMAZING sets that can accommodate any kind of show in this space. All of the staff members work. Luis Perez head of MT, broadway choreographer (look him up on IBDB), Ray Frewen, broadway performer/chicago director, Julie Mack, off-broadway lighting designer, just to name a few…everyone who teaches here continues to work and gain experience just to benefit the students here. I highly recommend everyone to look into this school, it is a hidden gem that’s for sure!</p>

<p>As far as Chicago internships. There are almost weekly emails that are sent by the dean, Sean Kelley (who you MUST meet), giving students paid and non-paid opportunities in the city. Upperclassman are allowed to go into the city and work and it counts for their performance credit. Tons of students working while in school, but go to a show here in the city and I guarantee you will see a proud RU/CCPA alum in the show.</p>

<p>How is Sam Ramey as a professor?! I’m thinking about applying for my masters here and saw that my favorite singer is on faculty! Any feedback would be great!</p>

<p>Hi Tegabear07-- He is actually a faculty member for the Music Conservatory, not the Theatre Conservatory. You may have better luck posting it on the Music forum.</p>


<p>I’m a second-year grad student at CCPA.</p>

<p>For those who are considering auditioning or have been accepted but wondering if Roosevelt is the place for you, I’d like to share some of my thoughts.</p>

<p>I don’t want to waste your time so here’s my conclusion.

  1. The most important thing (in my opinion about choosing school) is the feeling, whether you feel comfortable and happy being in that place/school, or not. </p>

<h2>2) Ultimately it’s up to you whether you succeed or not. </h2>

<p>To start off, I’d like to straight up tell you that Chicago College of Performing Arts (CCPA) is NOT the most established music conservatory in the world or not even in the US. CCPA doesn’t have an amazing reputation, in fact barely anybody knows about this school. So if you’re dream is to go to one of the most established music schools in the nation, you should simply audition for schools like Julliard and get accepted.</p>

<p>But at the same time I would like to tell you why I’m at CCPA at this moment even though I wished to be at a place like Julliard or Cleveland. There are three reasons for this.</p>

<p>1) I didn’t apply to Julliard, I simply thought I wasn’t good enough for them.
2) I’m happy being at CCPA. I feel comfortable studying with my private instructor.
3) I realized it is ultimately up to me if I succeed or not. </p>

<p>CCPA doesn’t have the finest facility, this whole area with practice rooms is quite sketchy. But I think it’s enough for me, I don’t mind practicing in a nice room with an adjustable leather chair, titanium stand, Steinway grand, a huge mirror, humidifier, heater, personal restroom, vending machine, toothbrush and a bed, but I’ll probably stick to my sketchy practice room at CCPA until I make enough money to make that in my own house.</p>

<p>Thanks for weighing in, turtlepuddin! For those reading, please turtlepuddin is a Masters in Music student. Though a student’s opinion is a students’ opinion and is VERY valuable, I just wanted to clarify that the Theatre Conservatory uses different facilities, different faculty, and has many different policies than the Music Conservatory.</p>

<p>Yeah but WHEN will we know haha? Lots of us sitting on pins and needles to know something!</p>

<p>Decision letters will be emailed on April 1st. I was told that in an email from an admissions counselor in the theatre department. Such a long time from now!!</p>

<p>My son is just starting the process of looking at schools and I happened to see CCPA was doing a show this past weekend. I called CCPA and actually had the pleasure of talking to music<em>is</em>life about tickets to the show and she was kind enough to spend 25 minutes with me talking about the program on the whole. She then informed me that she was going to be in the show and that my son should try and talk with her after the show for any questions he might have(we tried to meet her afterwards but unfortunately did not connect). We have a very small sample size to analyze thus far but the show was fantastic from start to finish and this young lady (who is a week from graduating) could not have been more gracious and helpful (and she has a job already lined up for after graduation…which is a great testament as well!). The students showed their talents really well in the show and this student was the EXACT epitome of how I’d hope all students could be as far as both her demeanor and what seemed like a genuine love for her school and program. Very impressive as first impressions go!</p>

<p>Great to hear darienjim as my D will be starting there in the fall! Was there a good turn out for the show? Was it Spring Awakening or something else?</p>

<p>The show was packed (200+ seat theatre), and I heard from several people that evening that every performance was very well attended. It was Spring Awakening and they did and excellent job with it. As I mentioned above we have only recently even started looking at schools but have seen several college performances of different shows in the Chicago area. CCPA represented itself very well with this production. Great direction, talented actors and a very strong musical pit accompanying the show. Truly an outstanding evening of entertainment in a very intimate venue.</p>

<p>Darienjim-- Thank you so much for your kind words. It really is my pleasure, and I’m glad I was able to help you and your son! I am sorry, however, that we didn’t get to connect after the show. It gets a little crazy after the shows. Anyways, I am glad you enjoyed yourself and I’m glad I got to chat with you about the program! Good luck to your son in his college search!</p>

<p>We are visiting Roosevelt/CCPA tomorrow and VERY excited about it!</p>

<p>So jkellynh17, what did you think?</p>

<p>The dorms are really beautiful, the location is great and Sean really liked his acting class. Our main problem with the school has always been financial and that remains a very big concern. I also thought next year’s season looked a little flimsy(no Shakespeare, nothing earlier than Durrenmatt…and Shakespeare is one of my son’s primary interests.). But it’s the best option we have so we made the deposit.</p>

<p>Is next year’s season posted somewhere?</p>

<p>Our tour guide said they posted it yesterday. The musicals looked pretty good…thoroughly modern Millie was one. </p>

<p>Our kids won’t be involved in the main stage stuff next year anyway.</p>