Is there still a possibilty that I could get a dorm that I want?

<p>Ok so I applied for housing on March 30th bit I’m still not able to choose a dorm from the dates that I have seen. I sa w on the UA website that there could still be a possibility that I could choose the room that I want. Is this true or am I getting my hopes up for nothing? Thank you!</p>

<p>I thought after the February deadline that housing was going to assign rooms. They may have changed this. Why don’t you give housing a call tomorrow and ask so at least you will know one way or another. They are very helpful.</p>

<p>Also ask Housing if you find someone to room with during the housing selection time frame, would they be able to pull you in? I recall reading something that you have to have been confirmed roommate by May 1 but not sure.
:)] </p>

<p>I tried to find out if there was any benefit to being “pulled in” by other students if someone who paid the deposit after 2/1 was hoping to get into a specific type of housing (which in our case was honors) or if it was better to let Housing make the placement. This is the “standard-issue” reply I received on 4/30:</p>



<p>I think for kids in this situation–and there are many of them!–you just have to wait and see. And if you’re not happy with your eventual assignment, keep going back and seeing if there are any openings.</p>