is this a bio course?

<p>just took a course that co-taught by 4 different departments, one of them being biology. the course heading is not explicitly "BIOL" but instead the xBxx where the 'x' represents the other departments and the 'B' stands for biology. does this count as a biology class for the amcas app? thanks.</p>

<p>What’s the course title?</p>

<p>AMCAS usually looks at the name of the class and then uses that in order to sort out whether or not it fits the criteria of being a BCPM class. </p>

<p>Course Classifications, in addition to describing the courses you enter,
are used in the calculation of your AMCAS GPA. On the list of Course
Classification examples below, Course Classifications that are followed
by “BCPM” indicate that courses for which you choose this Course
Classification will be calculated in your BCPM GPA. The BCPM GPA is
comprised of courses, which are considered to be Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, and Mathematics courses. Course Classifications that are not
followed by “BCPM” indicate that courses for which you choose this
Course Classification will be calculated in your AO (All Other) GPA.
Behavioral & Social Sciences (BESS)
 Anthropology
 Economics</p>

<p> Family Studies
 Psychology
 Sociology
Biology (BIOL) - BCPM
 Anatomy
 Biology
 Biophysics
 Biotechnology
 Botany
 Cell Biology
 Ecology
 Entomology
 Genetics
 Histology
 Immunology
 Microbiology
 Molecular Biology
 Neuroscience
 Physiology
Business (BUSI)
 Accounting
 Business
 Finance
 Human Resource Studies
 Management
 Organizational Studies
 Marketing
Chemistry (CHEM) - BCPM
 Biochemistry
 Chemistry
 Physical Chemistry
 Thermodynamics
Course Work
© 2008 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission. 55
Communications (COMM)
 Journalism
 Media Production & Studies
 TV, Video, & Audio
Computer Science/Technology (COMP)
 Computer Science
 Computer Engineering
 Information Systems
 Telecommunications
Education (EDUC)
 Counseling & Personnel Services
 Curriculum & Instruction
 Educational Policy
 Educational Administration
 Health Education
 Human Development
 Physical Education (except for sports courses such as tennis,
golf, aerobics, etc. Use Other for these types of courses.)
 Special Education
Engineering (ENGI)
 Aerospace Engineering
 Biomedical Engineering
 Chemical Engineering
 Civil Engineering
 Electrical Engineering
 Engineering
 Environmental Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering
 Nuclear Engineering
English Language & Literature (ENGL)
 English Composition & Rhetoric
 English Creative Writing
AMCAS 2009 Instructional Manual
© 2008 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission. 56
 English Language & Literature
Fine Arts (ARTS)
 Art
 Art History
 Dance
 Fine Arts
 Music
 Photography
 Theatre
Health Sciences (HEAL)
 Allied Health
 Chiropractic
 Dentistry
 Hearing & Speech Sciences
 Hospital Administration
 Kinesiology
 Medical Technology
 Medicine
 Nursing
 Nutrition & Food Sciences
 Occupational Therapy
 Optometry
 Osteopathy
 Physical Therapy
 Physician Assistant
 Public Health
 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
 Sports Medicine
 Veterinary Medicine
History (HIST)
 History
Foreign Languages/Linguistics/Lit. (FLAN)
Course Work
© 2008 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission. 57
 American Sign Language
 Comparative Literature
 Linguistics
 Foreign Language(s) & Literature
Government/Political Sci/Law (GOVT)
 Criminology & Criminal Justice
 Government
 International Relations & Studies
 Law/Legal Studies
 Political Science
 Public Affairs & Policy
 Urban Policy & Planning
Math (MATH) - BCPM
 Applied Mathematics
 Mathematics
 Statistics
Natural/Physical Sciences (NPSC)
 Agriculture
 Animal and Avian Sciences
 Forestry
 Geography
 Geology
 Horticulture
 Landscape Architecture
 Meteorology
 Natural Resources
 Oceanography
 Environmental Science & Policy
Other (OTHR)
All courses which do not fit appropriately into another category,
 Architecture
 Interdisciplinary courses
 Library Science
 Military Science
 Sports (tennis, golf, aerobics, etc.)
Philosophy/Religion (PHIL)
 Ethics
 Logic
 Philosophy
 Religion
 Theology
Physics (PHYS) - BCPM
 Astronomy
 Physics
Special Studies (SSTU)
 Afro-American Studies
 American Studies
 Gender Studies</p>

<p>I do not see “ornithology” (study of bird, which is a branch of zoology) in the list. Is this course still considered as a BCPM course? It is offered by the evolution and ecology department.</p>

<p>It doesn’t go by the name of the course, but rather its course title (meaning the department that is offering it). Since you say it is offered by Evolution and Ecology… Ecology is listed under Bio on the list above your post, so yes it will be considered a BCPM course.</p>