<p>Entering as a Business Management major, hoping to get a dual degree with psychology, and coming in with 30 gen ed. credits (covering almost everything except my science)</p>
<p>CGS2531 - Problem Solving using Computers
ANT2301 - Human Sexuality
ENY1001 - Bugs and People
ECO2023 - Microeconomics
JOU1100 - Journalism, but trying to drop that and take Warrington Welcome</p>
<p>14 credits total. </p>
<p>I was thinking about taking an accounting course to see if business is what I really want to do, should I wait until my next semester?
Is Human Sexuality good/interesting? I've heard scary rumors about 10-page papers on the female orgasm
I was just wondering what everyone's opinions are on good science gen ed. classes to take, I took Bugs and People randomly, so I'm open to suggestions.
Also, does anyone have any information on how to do the Masters of Science Management in 4 years?</p>
<p>I’m taking the exact same schedule but replacing human sexuality with a course on islam (But taking WW). From talking to kids who have taken all these classes, it seems like problem solving will be tough, plain and simple. Micro is online so it’ll be pretty easy, as opposed to macro which is harder. As for bugs and people, i’m taking it randomly too, but i met the prof at preview and she seems…strict.</p>
<p>Take Human Sexuality in the summer if you don’t want to write a paper. I did that and it was a very fun class. Other than that your schedule is pretty relax and you should have a great first semster.</p>
<p>Dr Baldwin, who teaches Bugs and People is extremely nice and I’m sure you would love her once you get to know her. She’s the reason i switched my major to Entomology last semester (sadly now changing because of chemistry requirements). I spoke to her and Dr Barfield and the two of them were fantastic. Introduce yourself to her and you’ll see what I mean
If you’re interested too she may let you go back to the lab and hold some scorpions, tarantulas, madagascar hissing cockroaches, a millipede, etc.</p>
<p>I’ve heard a lot of scary things about CGS, also, but I have heard that Tutoring Zone will be really helpful for it.</p>
<p>Computer apps and econ seem like the challenging classes in that schedule. Do not take accounting this semester (if you really want to, replace with econ or computer apps with it).</p>
<p>Computer apps is annoying to say the least. Extremely tedious and you have to stay on top of it.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone for the help, any suggestions on a fun science class to take? I only did Bugs and People because my advisor said it might be good</p>