<p>So, there is this university that a friend of mine is going to that I found some interest in.
Susquehanna University in PA. They have a Pre-Professional Program for Pre-Vet and Pre-Dentistry. Do you still have to major or just do that pre-professional program? Sorry, I am a rising senior just learning about what I want to do with my life. I cant make Cornell or any other really good schools.</p>
<p>So, if I was to go 4 years in Susquehanna then go to grad school in Temple, Rutgers, Cornell, or somewhere in the Northeast, would that work? Im really interested and motivated to doing this. My high school career wasnt great (3.0 gpa) and my SAT score isnt good. I just realized about my life and how i need to work hard. After junior year, the most important year, I felt regretful not doing anything. But, now im leading a rigorous life. </p>
<p>4 years in Susquehanna then to grad school, or do i need to major in something else?</p>
<p>Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>The school systems are different in different states, so I’m not too sure how Susquehanna operates. Out here in California, we have “junior colleges,” which dont really have strict admission requirements, then we have state colleges which have a little higher requirements, then we have universities that are the most strict on letting people in. As far as the vet school admissions go, if you go to a smaller university and do the required admissions courses for whatever school you decide to go to and take the GRE, and get a ton of animal/veterinary experience, your high school grades and SAT scores wont “really” matter… check out this site:</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.aavmc.org/vmcas/College_Requirements.htm]College_Requirements[/url”>http://www.aavmc.org/vmcas/College_Requirements.htm]College_Requirements[/url</a>]</p>
<p>it will give you all the requirements for almost any vet school in the world. Texas A&M is not on there though (which I just discovered tonight), so if you are interested in going there for vet school, you need to check their website for requirements. If you do really well in your classes and rank decently on your GRE score, you dont need a 4 year degree to get in to a vet school. Your best bet though is to talk to an advisor at your high school (sometimes they arent the greatest help), an advisor at the smaller university you are thinking of going to (they usually arent much help either), or an advisor at the vet schools you are interested in (usually your best bet) to get further information… good luck! You have a difficult journey ahead of you, but if you keep your head in the “game” it is an extremely rewarding experience…</p>
<p>P.S. Dont get married until you’re well established in your career… 9 times out of 10 you will get held back (speaking from experience and seeing others follow in my foot steps)
<p>Susquehanna has a lot of other things going for it too–lovely campus; small classes; friendly people; good merit aid</p>