Is this a good SAT technique?

<p>AFAIK, it's considered OK to take the SAT three times. You could spend the whole first time on CR, the whole second time on M, and the whole third time on W. That way, time wouldn't be an issue. Is it possible to do it this way? Is it moral? Would adcoms catch on?</p>

<p>2 problems with your approach. First, each section of the test is individually timed, so you can't spend "your whole time" on any one section. Second, even though colleges say they "superscore," if you have grossly lopsided scores they may catch on and penalize you for trying to game the system.</p>

<p>oh i see. well, nevermind, it wouldn't work then. :P</p>

<p>sure enough, u were just playin! But I think u can rather do one thing: for one time concentrate badly on CR and W and another time on can work in a way! ;)</p>