Hey Guys,
Just want to know if my schedule for next year is good and manageable. I’ll be a sophomore next year and am hoping that I know what I am signing up for. I still have time to change
U.S History
U.S Government and Economy.
Honors Physics
Honors Language Arts
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
Also, Is it a good idea to take two math classes in one year, considering they’re both AP?
Any Ideas Would Greatly Be Appreciated!!! 
Considering you will be a sophomore next year, 2 APs sounds like a good start. However if you really want to challenge yourself, take 3 APs. Or you could self study for an AP test from the beginning of next year, for example AP English Language Test.
I wouldn’t mind 2 AP math classes in one year. Actually, I think it could be beneficial because you would develop a more math-focused mind by tackling two AP math courses at a time.
Thank you very much for the feedback :).
It seems that I will keep my schedule how it is.
How many years of foreign language have you taken? You should have at least three (in one language) by the time you graduate; it will look better on college applications.
I agree with the latter and I might suggest taking AP US History. It isn’t too hard of a class unless you completely dislike history.
APUSH typically is an 11 th grade class. Depending on particular schools’ social science sequence, you may want to try either AP Euro or AP World History as a sophomore. IF in your particular school, US history is a sophomore class, ask your current history teacher if the sequence is Honors US History Sophomore, APUSH junior, OR APUSH sophomore year directly?
OP: have you taken Precalculus honors as a freshman? If not, you should take it sophomore year. NO college wants more than calculus senior year - even at Harvard, 2/3 students had calculus (AB or BC) senior year, and another segment only went up to precalculus. No need to rush (don’t even think of taking precalc over the summer). One exception, if you’re in Duke TIP, CTY, USAMO qualifs, etc.
U.S History => check and see if you’re in sequence
U.S Government and Economy => honors version?
Honors Physics => OK
Honors Language Arts=> OK
AP Calculus AB => only if you were in Precalculus freshman year
AP Statistics = un-necessary, save for college (when it IS necessary).
You need a foreign language (3-4 years of one are required for top colleges)
Let me clarify,
-I am done with foreign languages (finished back in middle school) and my required electives this year.
-Taking regular 10th grade U.S history(Maybe take AP…Very uncertain about it)
-I am already taking Pre-Calculus this year, so, AP Calc won’t be a problem.
-Chose AP statistics to fill up a class spot and because I heard that it is an uncomplicated and fairly simple class.
-Chose AP physics over Honors Physics.
I already turned in my schedule, However, I can still talk to my counselor if i made any mistakes.(Hopefully I did not…If I did, She’ll be very pissed…But Oh well)
How can you be done with foreign languages already? Do you have an AP in it? SAT scores in the 700s in a non-heritage language?
Okay, if you’re taking precalc as a freshman, you’re good for AP Calc AB next year.
Rather than AP statistics, why not take art or something a bit “different” (like current events, shop, home economics, debate, choir, 3D art, digital media, etc, etc…)
Okay…I understand. If I deem that AP statistics will not be very beneficial then I will find a replacement course.
I don’t think it is the best advice to hold back on math subjects. My D’s college guidance counselor insisted that if she did not take Honors Multivariable Calculus after her AP Calc BC, it might appear that she is not taking the most rigorous classes. Because we did not believe her, we asked around, and got the same answer from virtually everyone. So, she will be taking Honors Multivariable Calculus in addition to the AP Statistics, as opposed to her original plan of taking just AP Stats after finishing AP Caluclus BC. We were told that the more selective the school, the more they are expecting the highest level of Math (and Science, or any other core subject) by the time you get to your senior year. Obviously, if one started his/her freshman year with Honors Geometry, it will be difficult to reach Multivariable Calculus, and the highest level of Math will be AP Calculus AB or BC by senior year. That’s fine for that student. It does not disqualify him or her to apply to Yale or Harvard.
AP Stats is a “lite” AP for students who can’t or won’t take calculus. Statistics, taught as a fully “college course”, will not only be more useful, but also will matter more in college (employers will like it that you took a couple stats classes in colleges, and don’t care that you took one in HS.)
A kid who finishes AP Calc before senior year shouldn’t be taking AP Stats senior year, but indeed a more advanced class if available (at the HS or in a CC).
I’m gonna have to agree with @MYOS1634 for AP stats. However you said youre taking 2 other AP classes, physics and calculus. It is better to take less AP classes and get a 4 or 5 then fill ur schedule with AP classes and get 2s and 3s. I’m assuming that this is your first year taking AP classes so 3 AP classes would be a very good start. If the sole reason for taking AP stat is because its easy and a blowoff, then you should immediately change it. If you think it will benefit you later on and think you will get something out of the class then I’m not objecting. It could get you ready for future rigorous AP and college classes beacause of its simplicity. (you start to walk before you run)Just bear in mind that YOU will have to set your own effort and dedication in order to be successful in whatever you take.