Is this a good Senior Year Load?

<p>Hey guys, I'm kinda stumped on this decision, I'm not full IB but I take the majority of the core classes (11th grade currently), however next year I want to have a good load so colleges don't think I'm taking the easy classes/ catching senioritis. Some of my piers say that this is a little too much to handle and it'll bring me down. Is this too much to handle senior year? :
IB Biology 12 HL
IB Physics SL
IB English A. Literature HL
AP Statistics
IB Anthropology
Eco/Government (since I didn't take IB History, this is the only History I can take)</p>

<p>I'm trying to get into top tier schools because I've been really killing it this year. Tell me what you think, thanks! :) :)</p>

<p>That doesn’t sound that bad… You have a good mix of classes and it seems like that you got everything planned out, especially if you are not doing full IB…</p>

<p>I’m doing the full diploma (right now I’m a junior) and next year I’m taking:
HL Biology
SL Chemistry (at least that’s what I signed up, but probably going to to AP Chem instead)
HL Math (oh, this is probably a bad decision >.<)
HL 20th Century World
HL Lit
AP Psych</p>

<p>I think you can still get into top schools. Just keep your grade up!!!</p>

<p>Thanks! I like your mix as well! It sucks that my school only offers a limited amount of IB classes, but this should work</p>

<p>Your course load sounds manageable, good luck! </p>

<p>Thanks! I decided to go AP Calc AB instead of Stats, and Regents physics instead of IB physics!</p>

<p>Hey, your course looks good in my opinion.
I’m a full diploma student and am in my Second Year of IB. I’m taking:
Economics HL
English Lang and Lit HL
Social and Cultural Anthropology HL
Maths SL
Physics SL
Spanish ab initio

<p>Oh wow, your school offers HL Anthro? That’s sweet lol</p>

<p>@Castigations‌ mhm it’s one of my favourite classes haha.
Do you know if 37/42 (technically second in class) and predicted 38/42 in second year mid semester is a good score to send to colleges? </p>

<p>Those are great scores, it all depends on your HLs also!</p>

<p>@Castigations‌ well I got a 6 in all my SL and HL except in anthro where I got a 7. Does this score make me competitive? </p>

<p>You are definitely competitive! </p>

<p>@Castigations‌ okay‌ thankyou so much! I really appreciate it :smiley:
Goodluck! </p>