is this a hook?

<p>would having blind or deaf parents be considered a hook if you wrote about it for your essay?</p>

<p>depends on how u start…</p>

<p>its like u shud create some kind of mystery…a little one so that the reader jus automatically moves toward the second sentence…then third then so on…</p>

<p>blind or deaf parents shud be a strong way to create a hook…just blindness\deafness isnt enough though…i hope u r gettin me…</p>

<p>i get you.</p>

<p>my parents have one of the aforementioned two conditions, and I was wondering if it was a strong essay topic choice.</p>

<p>everything’s submitted, I just need confirmation because I am going to be extremely angsty until April</p>

<p>yes it will be a hook…(except if u totally ruined it hehe)</p>

<p>btw i am too thnkin of april. cant wait…guess this will be the longest three months ever…hehe</p>

<p>Ok, that’s somewhat reassuring haha. I don’t think i ruined it completely.</p>

<p>Where are you applying all in all?</p>

<p>[and sorry I’m new, if my comments/threads are in the wrong place, please let me know and I’ll do my best to learn where they should be, thanks]</p>

<p>i am an international student…so m applying in wierd places haha…abt 15 colleges</p>

<p>still waiting…:frowning: when will april come???
i see nightmares of gettin my name cut off from a board, which is apparently a college…wierd again…haha</p>

<p>damn i need some rest</p>

<p>A “hook” is generally considered a trait or characteristic that’s highly sought after by colleges. Your scenario is an interesting one that might give you the basis for consideration but not to the level that file readers are going to say:" Here’s the one we’re looking for". </p>

<p>“hooks” aren’t written about in essays – they are who you are or possess (athlete, URM, development, celebrity, legacy status)</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call your case a “hooked” one. Best of luck to you regardless.</p>

<p>^agreed it is not a typical hook, but done well it might have provided a compelling essay. And compelling essays at schools that look thoroughly at all sides of a person is a good thing.</p>

<p>depends on how you play it.</p>

<p>depends on YOUr personal growth that you demonstrates from your parents’ deafness… but i’d say it’d make a fairly touchng essay haha :D</p>