Is this a manageable course load for next semester?

I’m taking precalculus algebra (4 credits), general psychology (3 credits), eng 112 (3 credits), and geology (4 credits with lab component). Is this a good schedule? Is it manageable? What are some things that would be useful to know for precalc specifically?

It looks manageable. Did you take a placement exam for math?

Nope. I just skipped out on precalc in high school, but now I need it in order to take calculus.

Yes, it’s manageable. For pre-calculus and calculus in high school, I used It’s really useful. Beyond web resources, if you know enough information from Algebra II in high school, you should be fine. To be really sure, I would take a look at the pre-calc course description that your university provides and go from there.

Hope this helped and best of luck!

Looks doable. Make sure you stay organized and keep up.

14 credits is doable. 12 is minimum for full time and 15 is typical (usually you need 120 or so to graduate)
Ideas on doing well in college: