Is this all doable?

<p>next year i m taking:</p>

<p>AP English
AP Spanish
IB Biology 1
Theory of Knowledge
AP/IB US History
IB Psychology
IB Math 1
physics online (regular level)</p>

<p>and my gc told us that we can take AP exams, w/o taking the classes, as long as we're prepared. I'm thinking of self-studying AP Comp Gov (i am taking AP Gov now) and/or AP Euro (currently taking AP World). can i do all this? you guys at CC have inspired me to go above and beyond, esp. junior year, so i want to give it a shot. </p>

<p>plus, i am going to be very busy w/ clubs, community service (CAS hours), and IB in general. If I do take the exams, then it will add up to 7 AP's and 2 IB exams next May, in addition to SAT/SAT II prep.</p>

<p>First off, props for challenging yourself.
Secondly, I think only you know what you're capable of. </p>

<p>Personally I wouldn't self-study more than one subject, especially when you know you're going to be busy with everything else (and SAT prep on top of that).</p>

<p>It's doable, it just depends on whether YOU are willing to do it all!</p>

<p>Obviously it will be difficult, as you already know, but if you budget your time well and put as much effort as possible into everything, you'll be on the right track.</p>

<p>It really depends on your school. If you go to a terrible school with easy teachers (which I doubt you do, considering that they offer all of those ap's and ib's) and you are of above average intellegence, then sure you can handle it! But if you go to some elite uber-challenging prep school, then i'd take a really good look at your study habits and really ask yourself if you can do it. But if your school is closer to the latter than the former, I'd cut back on a few things.</p>

<p>WOW, I'd shoot myself, but obviously you and I are different people.</p>

<p>dude if you have to ask if its doable, then I'd advise against it,. There is no real reason to make your last years in HS a living hell just to get into college. Believe me, you're gonna get into a fine school, try to enjoy whats left ( basically party like theres no tomorrow)</p>

<p>You better stock up on the coffee.</p>

<p>May the Force be with you.</p>

<p>Damn, girl. 0.0</p>