Is this cheating?

<p>I have a question about the admissions process:</p>

<p>For Georgetown’s early action, you’re not supposed to apply to any other early decision programs due to their restrictive early action policy but at Upenn, if you sign up for the early decision program, you have to go to Upenn unless you cannot afford the financial package. If you sign up for Georgetown’s early action and at the same time Upenn’s early decision(which you’re not supposed to do), how exactly do Georgetown’s or Upenn’s admissions officers find out about this, if they ever do, and does this jeopardize your chances of getting into both colleges?</p>

<p>Personally, if I get accepted to Upenn, I’m going to Upenn but I need a backup school just in case but at the same time want to increase my chances of getting into both of them.</p>

<p>that, my friend, is unethical and yes i wouldn't do that. you'll have your admissions revoked by both schools if they find out. both are solid schools, so look more into why you'd go to one or the other.</p>

<p>Penn doesnt have a problem with your situation. Penn has ED with the condition that you can also apply another EA as long as that the other school doesn't mind. (At least this was the case when I applied)</p>

<p>I'm not sure what Georgetown's policy is. If they let you apply elsewhere while doing a Gtown EA, then you're good to go. Otherwise, you might find yourself in trouble.</p>

<p>With regard to your question about how they find out, my guidance counselor has a theory that all schools post their EA / ED candidates in some sort of secret database that they don't tell other people about, because everyone he knows of that applied to more than one school ED or schools through a single choice EA option are discovered.</p>

<p>so if you ED to penn and get rejected, you can't apply RD again can you?</p>

<p>No. If they want to consider you for the RD applicant pool, they will defer you. If they think you will have no chance in the RD pool also, they will reject you during ED Decisions time.</p>

<p>Snort some adderall man it always helps.</p>

<p>Applying ED to Penn and EA to Georgetown could mean that they could both find out and regect you because you did that and then there's a whole list of other schools that you'd be automatically rejected from because of doing it. So it's really not a good idea. It'd make more sense to apply to Penn ED and then other, non-single choice, EA programs at other schools. Then, if you need to, apply to Georgetown RD. The chances that they find out could be small, but would you want to risk it?</p>

<p>One word is all thats needed: YES.</p>

<p>My HS won't send transcripts, recommendations to more than 1 Early school. They don't even send out the paperwork for RD until after the decisions come back Dec 15.</p>

<p>It keeps everyone honest.</p>

<p>Mmm nose candy.</p>

<p>If Georgetown is really "EA," then you can apply to it and as many other "EA" schools as you want. However, most of the reputable "EA" schools are "SCEA," meaning <em>Single Choice</em> early action. If Georgetown is SCEA, and either Penn or Georgetown finds out what you did, you will get dinged at both schools.</p>

<p>Edit: Apparently, it is SCEA: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Coca cola, sans cola please</p>