Is this common nowadays?

<p>So I applied to Grad school at UF, got in, accepted, and am very happy about it. However, I've recieved no physical paperwork so far, haven't registered for any classes, got financial aid info but no actual papers, etc. I remember back when I went to undergrad at another school in another state, I got papers for all the info. Is UF turning more towards virtual paperwork in order to cut down on costs etc, or did I miss something and I am way behind on the process I'm supposed to be doing? This is starting to worry me now that I'm starting to look for housing in Gainesville, but I'm in Jersey so I can't physically go in and ask...
So does anyone have any advice or is this common?</p>

<p>did you get an acceptance letter at least? But yes, I didn't actually even get a letter to turn down my acceptance, they just sort of e-mailed me on April 16 to say they assumed I wasn't going there.</p>

<p>I wouldn't be overly worried. For the school I am attending all of my paperwork was done online, save for accepting the admission offer.</p>

<p>I got emailed the acceptance letter, printed it out, signed and dated it, scanned it, emailed it back, and checked afterwards to make sure they recieved it.</p>

<p>They sent me one letter for Outstanding High School Scholars, and EVERYTHING else was via email.</p>

<p>Apparently you can only apply online now for undergrad, unless I'm mistaken.</p>

<p>Well this is an eye opener. Did anyone taking loans also do it online only? I'm going to have to do that all there apparently, I'm just unsure on the process so I'm just worried unnecessarily that I won't pay on time or something.</p>

<p>5 years ago when I got into a bunch of undergrad schools, I got info packets saying I got in, a sticker for my car(or my parents) with the school name, etc, I wonder if the virtual acceptance is done nowadays more commonly.</p>