<p>No I dont - that wasn’t meant to be a sassy reply; I just honestly am kind of stressed trying to rearrange everything. However, I don’t think there’s a an option for me not to take it with orgo. Unless I push it to junior year with biochem and physics. I have my four year plan in an excel doc if anyone wants to be really nice and help? Of course it’s a flexible rough sketch, but right now all this maneuvering is giving me a headache. :/</p>
<p>Well norcalguy, if I don’t take genetics with orgo and physics this semester I’ll have to take it next fall with physical chemistry and biochemistry. Is physical chemistry less time consuming than orgo?</p>
<p>I don’t know if it’s easier than orgo but it might be less time consuming. Orgo is the kind of class where you are rewarded for spending time. It’s a lot of memorization, not very conceptual.</p>
<p>Well, are you a science major? Most science majors have to take numerous sciences at once. I am sorry that you’re stressed. If you are really good at memorizing go for it. But, I heard orgo is all memorization as well. If it was me I would like a blend of classes. I am more of a problem solver, not a memorizer, thus I find those classes more difficult.</p>