Is this curriculum manageable?

Hello, I am a freshman undergrad in my second semester majoring in computer science.
I plan on taking the following classes next fall and was wondering how hard of a workload it would be:
Discrete Structures for CS
Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Intro to Systems Software
Intro to Probability (a statistics course)
some gen-ed course,
for a total of 15 credits

Since I am looking at taking three CS courses in one semester, I was curious on what others have to say on how rigorous this would be, and if it would even be worth it.
I only intend on doing it because I am one semester behind in my CS courses since classes were already filled up when I was able to enroll.
Up to this point, the CS classes I have taken include Intermediate Programming with Java and Data Structures.
I have also finished the calculus sequence and took an intro statistics and physics course, doing well in all of my classes so far.
Thanks in advance

Discrete structures for CS is basically a math course. It will not have the volume of work that CS courses with programming (your other two CS courses) can have, but some students find it intellectually difficult and may need to spend a lot of time on it for that reason.